Martin Armstrong Warns: The #1 Terrorist Group Is You, Domestic Citizens

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Understand this now. As Jim Quinn explains, YOU are the enemy of the state. They don’t give a shit about you. They treat you as sheep and cows to be sheared and milked. If you start questioning them, they will slaughter you. They have militarized the police forces and put you under 24 hour surveillance because they fear an uprising. There only a few hundred thousand of them and there are millions of us. A conflict is looming.  

As Armstrong Economics’ Martin Armstrong details, government talks about Islamic terrorists, but their number one fear is YOU.

The internment camps are for you, not Islamic extremists. Government CANNOT honor its promises so it will not even try.

They are confiscating money everywhere, doubling fines, and punishing people for insane things.

A neighbor received a ticket and a $200 fine for using a cell phone while driving. The use? Looking at the Google Maps. She even went to court with her phone records to prove she was not on the phone. The judge declared that she should have looked at that BEFORE she left. I suppose if you write down the directions and look at the piece of paper that is OK, you just can’t look at it on your phone. That applies to even looking at the time on your phone.

The government claims it wants to eliminate guns to protect society. The problem will be that the criminals do not buy their guns at a store. They want to disarm the public because you are their number one fear as outlined in this discussion paper.

7 thoughts on “Martin Armstrong Warns: The #1 Terrorist Group Is You, Domestic Citizens

  1. An Observation:

    The Powers That Be have always used ” fear ” as their primary tool of control. Given their camps, drills, militarization of police, military on the streets, check points, gun restrictions, and finally labeling nearly ALL Americans as ” terrorists “, what does that reveal to us regarding TPTB ?

    The answer should be obvious. It reveals that ” they “, TPTB, are scared shitless of We The People. They are now inundated by the very emotion they have used against us.

    I see this as positive for those of us who choose freedom and non-compliance. If there was ever a time, in my view, to eschew fear and use our most powerful word ” NO “, now is the time . . .

    1. Hey Mark, at first, I thought you may have forgot the w in NO to make it read NOW! Oh well, I guy can dream. We’ll be busy soon enough. Buy more ammo.

      1. No problem Millard. However, if one considers it, using our power of NO as an act of non-compliance does actually happen / manifest in the ” now ” / present moment. 😉 I agree, as Mark Koernke says: ” Vote with your wallet, buy more ammo ” !!!

  2. The criminal psychopathic elites always have been scared and always will be scared:
    1. psychopaths are always scared, even if they don’t look it
    2. they project their fear onto us, and unfortunately, many of us buy into it.
    3. why else would they build themselves underground bunkers?
    4. why else would they be trying to create super soldiers and alter DNA, as well as use CERN to open portals to the fallen you-know-whats completely ignoring the consequences
    5. even if they have all the mercenaries they need, how are they gonna pay these folks when the crap really hits the fan?
    6. when they chip everybody so that everybody can be controlled by microchip (which may or may not be the image/mark of the beast), what about those of us who refuse to be chipped?
    7. (the number of God) though they worship Satan, it is God they are truly afraid of–why else would they try to set up a system to get rid of God for good (which will fail, of course, but by the time they realize this it’ll be to late…welcome to the Lake of Fire where the worm dieth not.

  3. “A neighbor received a ticket and a $200 fine for using a cell phone while driving. The use? Looking at the Google Maps. She even went to court with her phone records to prove she was not on the phone. The judge declared that she should have looked at that BEFORE she left.”

    Proof positive that these ICM enforcers are designated solely for mammon extraction.

  4. Best retirement plan for sick and broke senior citizens: take out a .01%er and get three hots and a cot for life. You’ll die a hero.

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