The Role of The Pro-Israel Lobby in US Politics

Global Research – by Hans Stehling

Oprah Winfrey in her powerful speech at the 2018 Golden Globes awards said that ‘Speaking your truth is the most powerful tool we all have’.

And the truth for America today is that our legislative assembly, the Congress of the United States of America and the US Presidency, have both been corrupted by the pro-Israel lobby to an extent that it impacts not only the life of every ordinary American citizen but also that of hundreds of thousands in states around the world.  

The millions of dollars that are expended in ensuring that only those who profess allegiance to the Israel lobby will succeed in election to Congress is the defining practice that has corrupted American politics and successive White Houses ever since President Harry S Truman was persuaded by Bnai Brith to go against his natural instincts and to support a Zionist state in Palestine.

Now, however, it has reached a peak with millions of dollars from casino profits having been used to swing the last presidential election for Trump in exchange for a promise from him to declare Jerusalem as Israel’s capital city, in defiance of the will of the United Nations which has declared the Holy City to be an international metropolis with free access to all faiths, in perpetuity.

A lot of water, guns, planes, bombs, missiles and American money has flowed under the bridge since then, totalling well over 100 billion dollars – enough to build and operate a new hospital for every city in every one of the fifty states of the Union!

Image on the right is Oprah Winfrey at the 2018 Golden Globes Awards

Image result for oprah winfrey speech

The Israel lobby has a far-reaching influence on foreign policy concerning countries throughout the Middle East, Africa, Europe and the Americas – notwithstanding that it is an unelected political pressure group that operates through agents in major capital cities worldwide, from London through Paris, Berlin, Nairobi, Lagos, Dubai and Toronto to Buenos Aires, Beijing, Delhi and Melbourne who infiltrate national governments in order to promote its own political agenda.

The impact on global affairs is enormous – but no one person is ever held to account. It is political corruption on an epidemic scale, perpetrated by powerful figures from the worlds of gambling, share dealing and international banking: all conducted without any official or public scrutiny or inquiry.

The first political act of any US President in recent times is not to appear before their electorate but to address a meeting of AIPAC,  a powerful, pro-Israel, unelected political pressure group. That one fact speaks volumes and says everything on how democracy in America has been subverted for the benefit of a single political entity acting for a foreign state.

When Theodor Herzl envisaged a Jewish Homeland to end centuries of antisemitism, it was an altruistic vision. Today’s reality of the Likud/US Zionist Movement is a sombre indictment of personal greed and ambition that has the reverse effect.

Global Research

4 thoughts on “The Role of The Pro-Israel Lobby in US Politics

  1. If “Global Research” did any goddamn research on this topic they’d know that A.I.P.A.C. is a lot more powerful than described here, but I tend to think they feel a need to address Zionism without revealing too much.

    “When Theodor Herzl envisaged a Jewish Homeland to end centuries of antisemitism..’

    Theodore Herzl was a Rothschild agent who “envisaged” a place from which Kazarians could operate their global criminal schemes, and of course, the “centuries of antisemitism” has to be tossed in to convince the morons that Jews were kicked out of 100 different countries simply because they’re Jewish, and it had nothing to do with their behavior or practices.

    If the 100 different countries they were thrown out of were populated by “anti-Semites”, the Jews would have never been allowed to settle there in the first place.

    It’s nonsense, but it doesn’t take more than a little nonsense to convince an idiot.

  2. If most Americans’ don’t already realize this fact, they haven’t been paying attention. Not only is the Jewish influence felt in the Halls of Congress, it also influences the Supreme Court.

  3. ‘President Harry S Truman was persuaded by Bnai Brith to go against his natural instincts and to support a Zionist state in Palestine.’ oh paleeeeze!

  4. “The Israel lobby has a far-reaching influence on foreign policy concerning countries throughout the Middle East, Africa, Europe and the Americas – notwithstanding that it is an unelected political pressure group that operates through agents in major capital cities worldwide, from London through Paris, Berlin, Nairobi, Lagos, Dubai and Toronto to Buenos Aires, Beijing, Delhi and Melbourne who infiltrate national governments in order to promote its own political agenda.”

    And what that lobby doesn’t accomplish… Mossad will.

    STINKING jEWS!!!!!

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