What’s going on at Sydney University? Ordo Templi Orientis

Published on May 18, 2017 by Activist-News

One of the things we have been focusing on a fair bit lately, is how kabbalah and Jewish mysticism seems to be center stage in what a lot of people have considered to be occultist or even satanic. Whether you believe in a theistic worldview or an atheistic worldview, there can be no denying that there is a darker nature about the people who control our world.





2 thoughts on “What’s going on at Sydney University? Ordo Templi Orientis

  1. “… there can be no denying that there is a darker nature about the people who control our world.”

    Darker nature? THAT’S an understatement!

    Try PURE EVIL.

  2. Sydney uni, were MKULTRA started in Australia.

    The rape, torture and murder of children, to create children whose minds could be controlled.

    Manchurian candidates.

    Started with operation paperclip, the CIA bought in Nazi war doctors to experiment on children.

    SRA was used to traumatized children, so they say, it is just a massive pedo operation.

    Fiona Barnett was abused as a child subject of Sydney uni. Mkultra.

    The buildings were used for sacrifices.

    MKULTRA was done in six countries, I think. Definitely NZ, Australia. Canada. America, England.

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