The Word From the Trenches – April 27, 2020

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Archive: TWFTT 4-27-20

One thought on “The Word From the Trenches – April 27, 2020

  1. Thank you, Henry and John, for being there day-after-day, to bust up the lies and lay bare the truth.

    Re: UBI, will jus’ add… Oh how they dangle the money-carrot. And many of the struggling don’t know that with UBI (Universal Basic Income) the money-granters can pull the plug anytime at any given moment. “Oh, Johnny’s been a bad boy; no check for him this month; he didn’t pay his parking ticket and refused to wear his mask. And those guys over there, those protesters, no check for them either. For them, the ditch is more accommodating.”

    On UBI, a friend of mine summed it up like this:

    “The tribe knows most people were in debt to them prior to covid and are now desperate for a lifeline from any quarter.”

    I guess desperation has to eat, but what work we have to show the meal is not the feast. The free money is the sure sign of total control. It’s anti-entrepreneur, anti-work ethic, anti-sovereignty, and will create a parasitic populace. And lost in the shuffle, pride in livelihood, in carrying one’s own weight, in providing for family, the great fulfillment of being PRODUCTIVE, creative, innovative, and experimental.


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