The Word From the Trenches – February 21, 2020

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16 thoughts on “The Word From the Trenches – February 21, 2020

  1. Damn proud of you Henry, and Laura and everybody else on this awesome site, bunch of fine people over here, let me tell you.

    And I sure as hell mis the ones that are are no longer with us. Rest in peace my brothers and sisters..

    And most of all, I mis my spelling coach, who unfortunately didn’t know how to spell either.

  2. ‘You can prevent your opponent from defeating you through defense, but you cannot
    defeat him without taking the offensive.’ – Sun Tzu

    another fine broadcast, thank you

    1. Rob, great truth rant from Henry and I like the title because Trumptards are sure to listen because of the title, “Trump 2020.”

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