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Archive: TWFTT 2-25-21
41, sun and wind
Henry, do you know any cases in the common law that took on these gun policy’s? 45 and sunny here in the lower part of the dakotas.
No. They removed the common law jurisdiction before they dared to launch any attack on the Bill of Rights. It has all been done under the administrative admiralty of the corporation.
37 degrees.
Another year older, and still ready to kick some ass 🙂
Well then, Happy Birthday Hal!
Thank you, Katie.
Happy 39th Hal !!!
Hah 🙂
This means that I was born at -18…
Thank you, Mary.
Happy birthday, brother.
-18? Must have took forever for you to get old enough to have a drink. 🙂
My dad would take me with to a place called ‘Duck In’. 🙂
Wish I were 39 with what I know now.
Damn, it goes fast!
Thank you.
Every year the flow gets weaker
Happy Birthday, dear brother Hal. You are loved, respected, valued. Let’s keep givin’ em hell!!
Thank you, sis 🙂