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Archive: TWFTT 2-4-21
6 degrees, partly sunny, 35 mph winds 🙁 brrr…
Just wait until Monday. Calling for minus 40 and blowing snow on the eastern slopes of the Canadian Rockies.
Good mask weather Jim, strap that bitch on and guard your face from frost bite right? 🙂
Make sure the tip of your nose doesn’t turn white. 🙂
Our highs next week will be below zero. Jim, -40 with the winds is just plain rude.
Installing a front drive shaft on a 83 Silverado outside in -30 (not including wind chill) was a numbing experience.
I feel for ya, bro.
What small business?
14 degrees, sunny, windy, and 3″ of lovely snow.
Keep that snow there or send it to Henry
JD, it was melamine in the baby formula
They send me a mask and I’ll take a shit into it and mail it back to sender.
‘I suspect your quite right with your comment, if they send these “Free” masks out to Americans,… what did they coat them with?’ Although I was thinking the same, it was Misty that called in to comment. Thanks Misty!
Sound advice, JD re don’t touch with bare hands.
As a rule, when known mass murderers and eugenicists send you products, it’s wise to treat it with healthy skepticism.
ie If a stranger offered you $1.00 with no strings attached, you’d probably raise a stink eye, right?
If someone you KNEW was guilty of murdering millions, would you maybe think twice about it?!