The Word From the Trenches – March 17, 2020

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Archive: TWFTT 3-17-20

8 thoughts on “The Word From the Trenches – March 17, 2020

      1. I haven’t been to the Post office, ma’am.
        Will get there this week and let you know.
        I may have to hop a ride on Big Lew (a Scottish Highlander bull) at this point.
        Pre-thank you, Mary 🙂

  1. Just a heads up.
    My IP is going bye bye. It has merged or been bought up by another.
    I was told that my “device” is not compatible, and thanks for putting up with our annoying BS, adios chump!
    This takes place on the seventh of April.
    I’m looking into other options, and don’t particularly want someone up here installing equipment that I can do myself.
    So I may be down a month or so, or not.
    Or I just may decide to say f-k it. I still have a radio transceiver.

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