11 thoughts on “The Word From the Trenches – May 31, 2022

  1. Henry, I listened in today. Yeah. I’m believing our silly little sock boy is afraid the gig is just about up, with 11 million Canadians preparing to access our courts, dispose of the criminals in the black robes as we assert our sovereignty, and move our common law jurisdiction to take our country back! The truth is out. He can’t hide, so he makes proposals to ban our guns. The word is out that he’s a gonner. We have enough of the right kind of people to dispose of these tyrants lawfully.

    1. Near the end of the interview, Jesse mentions “Direct Democracy.” I believe if he was well informed about the Bill of Rights, 1791, he wouldn’t even bring it up. Marcus used the word, “collective.” Ouch! They also use the word, “citizen.”

  2. “ That’s what guns are used for, if they’re not used to keep you from slavery, they’re used to put you in slavery. THATS ALL THERE IS TO IT!”
    That one gave me chills, Anyone who has looked at even 5 minutes of history should come to this conclusion. If you don’t see that, your hopeless.

      1. Ex-police and ex-military spearheaded by a rancher?
        Sounds like the Oathkeepers and III%ers Incorporated spearheaded by the Bundys here in the United States that we call Tories.
        What happened to you people didn’t happen overnight. Every one of these people you are looking to to save you participated in putting the pieces in place to take your asses down.
        This guy is a rich rancher. I’m sure over his live he has controlled his local and national representatives to his advantage and he wants that f-king advantage back under the same goons that served him in the past.
        Maybe I’m wrong and I hope I am, but this just looks like American Tory militia to me.
        Good luck.

        1. Thanks for your perspective. It makes perfect sense. I don’t think you are wrong. You bring out the hidden stuff I suspect, and put it into words that help me to better see through it. Thank you.

  3. Of all the horrors in the news the last few days, the one that’s haunting me the most is that creepy imp, Justin Trudeau. Never has the fact that someone is a total puppet been more obvious or more obnoxious. To get on the tube and announce he’s going after handguns, acting like he’s going after a serial killer, and to do it with a straight face, is a testament to his acting and repeating ability. In my opinion, he is being used as a test-case to see just how far a modern-day dictator could go in a first-world country. There is no barf-bag big enough to accept the nausea this man delivers. DISGUSTING!!!


    1. So well said, galen. Time will tell how many over-sized barf bags it’s going to take. I take refuge in the only jurisdiction that makes any sense to me. Thanks to Henry and the Trenchers. Our new weapon. The barf bag bomb.

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