The Word From the Trenches – September 27, 2021

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Archive: TWFTT 9-27-21

3 thoughts on “The Word From the Trenches – September 27, 2021

  1. Keen to hear more fightin’ words, thanks Henry!

    Here’s an interesting one if someone wants to post up separately –

    From the Jerusalem Post no less! Notice how this “new” DNA jab is called “ZyCoV-D”. Hmmm, that looks & sounds VERY much like Zyclon-B now doesn’t it?! Is it remotely possible that the jews (who invert everything else around us) are actually carrying out a holocaust-like genocide of non-jews whilst perpetuating the myth that it was actually them who were the victims? That old Polish proverb “the jew cries out as he strikes” comes immediately to mind! Say it ain’t so!

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