The Word From the Trenches – May 1, 2017

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Archive: TWFTT 5-1-17

30 thoughts on “The Word From the Trenches – May 1, 2017

  1. 51 now, 50 hi, 50 lo (wow… 10 degree range?). Sprinkling now (weren’t supposed to get any rain this week, but the chart has changed since Fri.). Oh well…

  2. These were my comments on the subject (Apr. 26), they were not meant to disparage JD in any way. I was merely reminiscing about the early days on FTT.

    “# 1 NWO Hatr says:
    April 26, 2017 at 4:00 pm

    I remember well when Henry was solo every day, Katie. In fact, it was only Mon./Wed./Fri. back then, not even 5 days a week.

    Personally,… I could listen to Henry SEVEN days a week!

    Katie says:
    April 26, 2017 at 4:36 pm

    Personally,… I could listen to Henry SEVEN days a week!

    I know what you mean.

    Education, humor, sarcasm, patriotism, straight up truth, passion, straight to the heart.
    # 1 NWO Hatr says:
    April 27, 2017 at 3:37 pm

    Beats the snot out of t.v. ‘programming’, Katie!”

    1. I’m truly sorry you feel unappreciated, JD, especially since I’ve seen NUMEROUS comments in the past, commending your efforts on the show. I’ll be the first to admit that I’m sparse when it comes to handing out praise here, but I’ve also stated a number of times that I’ve never considered this site to be a popularity contest either.

      I really hope you reconsider… for the sake of Henry & Laura, the Trenchers, and the rest of the country.

      Other than our guns, the truth is the only weapon we have these days.

  3. The term ‘kidnapping’ originated in England when white children as young as 10 were snatched off the streets and shipped to the Colonies… for FAR less than the price of black slaves, which made them much more expendable. As a result of the lower cost, they were treated MUCH worse than black slaves, and either died (many in transit, due to being packed in the slave ships like sardines), or were killed by their ‘owners’… far more often than black slaves.

    Michael Hoffman’s ‘They Were White, and They Were Slaves’ is an excellent book on this subject.

  4. There is tyranny to be dealt with brother!
    We need your assistance!
    Bring it back!
    We need you!

    That’s about as mushy as I can get.

    1. I agree…was close to tears hearing this. If it wasn’t for J.D. I couldn’t recite the 2nd or 9th article! “Forget about it” in J.D.’s Nazi Jersey accent! Now get back and pound the other 8 articles in my head! Love ya Brother!

      1. That’s right Misty. I agree with that.
        See JD, we done took you for granted.
        Now that we think you may not be back we aint liking it!
        I found The Trenches through Mark Koernke, and you’ve always been there.
        I’ve heard Henry once or twice at RBN before he vanished.
        When I found this site, I was tickled. You two are like chili and cornbread, ham hocks and black eye peas.
        A great combo!

  5. Oly oly
    JD…JD.. .
    Come out come out wherever you are.
    Well truthfully. ..
    I hope he is spending time with his family.
    I really wish Henry would take some time off too.
    Not that I don’t love you.
    Hopefully you two can take a breather.
    This mess isn’t going away.
    Maybe cut back some hours and live your lives.
    I’ll always remember the first days before my son learned to walk.
    He would roll everywhere in the house.
    Those are the memories I’ll always cherish.
    I wish all of you well.
    Give someone a hug today…from me.

      1. (LAUGHING!)

        Koyote is right. Get back on the horse brother.

        We will find you. And make you watch The View.

        Over and over and over.

          1. LOL!!

            Yeah, that too!

            It will hurt us as well JD. We are willing to sacrifice.

  6. Wow JD I never ever comment but if it gets you back to the show I gotta comment….Please get back to the show your fan club is way bigger than you realize….The Tactical Report Rocks!!!!! Long live the Tactical Report…

  7. JD, it is BECAUSE of YOU I paid 50 !!! yes 50 bucks for a copy (in not so great condition I might add) of “from Major Jordan’s Diaries” after listening to you read excerpts on the air. I HAD to have that book. Of course once you exposed that treason I bought other books on the American/ Russian connection. Dear Sir, the knowledge you and Henry impart to those of us lucky enough to have found The Trenches is priceless. Every time I listen to you and Henry talk about The Bill of Rights I so very much wish I had the power to pipe the program into every classroom in this country. The passion with which you share your knowledge is inspiring. I have read the comments above and I think I can sum it all up with three words: WE NEED YOU!!!!!!!!

  8. Dear JD Get back up on that horse buckaroo, cowboy up, you and Henry have become part of my daily life and its not the same without ya buddy.

  9. JD, we need your 9/11 info and military engineering expertise. How else will we be able to know how to operate and diagnose things when the shit really hits the fan?

  10. J.D., I hope you and Henry can resolve this and get back to matters at hand. The Communist agenda marches on and we need strong voices with experience and knowledge in the geopolitical arena. You are a teacher as is Henry. Together, you guys are “the Dynamic Duo”.

    I’ve been listening since the infant stage of FTTWR and your “Tactical Report” is a big part of “The Word” for me. I am hopeful things can be “ironed out” and you’ll be back soon. “Good things never change.”

  11. This is Jack Frost’s wife I hope things can be amended and JD comes back to the show. I listen to the both of you along with my husband the show needs the both of you JD and Henry just wanted to put that out there Everyone was very supportive after we lost our daughter so I really hope JD returns if I could tell him personally I would Love the show and all that are a part of it

  12. Ok.. I’m gonna bust a limerick now.

    I warned you people.

    There once was a man named JD.

    Who taught us about history.

    But then came steel walls.

    That imprisoned his terydactyl balls.

    And I never thought a marine would ever flee.

  13. Dear Jd this just came to me but one of my fave movies is The Treasure of the Sierra Madre , and the old man says it best , if you got somthing up your nose blow it out it we’ll do u good .

  14. JD, this is written with empathy, “emotional identification with another” and sympathy, “compassion for another’s trouble, suffering, etc..”
    Having said this, now I write from the perspective of being in your shoes.
    Assuming you heard Monday’s broadcast you are aware Henry read the email correspondences between you and him, which allowed listeners to know what was on your mind resulting in your absence.
    You requested that the listeners be led to believe there was a “conflict in scheduling” which would keep you away. As was stated, “ this is not how we do things around here,” which was a very gracious way to imply that here in the Trenches, only the truth will be honored.
    Knowing that the listeners are aware of this, I imagine this could be a bit humiliating, “to lower the pride or dignity of,” for you, and could, in itself, possibly keep you from coming back.
    I exhort you to not allow this to influence your decision but to perhaps humble yourself as we all must continually do throughout our lives if we are to learn anything. I extend grace, mercy and forgiveness, as we all need it.
    It is my hope you receive this as consolation and not as rebuke, and wish you all wisdom in your decision.

  15. When we really look back at our lives in a spiritual sense we are just babies and infants.
    I mean…
    If the world supposedly is 3.5 billion years old..
    How can we obtain the world’s knowledge in let’s say optimistically. a hundred years..?
    In our lifespan. ..?
    With knowing that….
    Yes Katie…
    I have to humble myself.
    But that doesn’t mean I don’t understand how to ask for forgiveness and say I’m sorry.

  16. I’ve been listening to this show for years. I’ve learned so much from both J.D. and Henry.
    Both have my highest respect and would gladly put my life of the line for either of them.
    That being said, I am highly disturbed by the thought of J.D. leaving the show saddened
    That he hasn’t been on. I love the way he can articulate anything for even myself to grasp and understand. I will officially become more involved in the show by showing my support
    By donating what I can and calling the show.
    I truly feel as if this is the end of the line, you guys ARE the tip of the spear in truth.
    Love you guys .
    Sincerely Jose David Sosa

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