15 benefits of adding lemon juice to your water

lemon waterNatural Society 365 – by Stephanie Vick

There are plenty of awesome health benefits of lemons to justify starting your day with a nice glass of lemon water. Today, we’ll take a closer look at 15 reasons why you should consider making lemon juice in water your favorite breakfast drink.

One of the main health benefits of lemons is their ability to boost immune function. Lemons are full of vitamin C, which turns the immune system into a powerhouse of disease fighting soldiers. In fact, within days, many people say they feel minor ailments fade away by drinking lemon juice water – first thing, every morning.  

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Usually within 1 – 3 days, most people feel their digestive system improving and more mentally alert. Another great benefit of lemon juice is its cleansing effect on the bowel. It also stimulates the gastric juices to make digesting food a lot easier, and reduces things like indigestion and acid reflux.

Lemon water can also keep the skin looking young through its high antioxidant content, which builds collagen, and it reduces appetite through its soluble fiber. In addition, lemon water is an alkalizing drink – which means it will help you to reduce inflammation throughout the body. In addition, for those suffering with urination issues, drinking lemon juice helps to clean out the urinary tract and prevent infections in that area.

Can lemon water outperform prescription medications?

If morning breathe is a concern for you, the health benefits of lemons will take care of it. One of the benefits of lemon juice is that it is antiseptic, so it kills the bad bacteria in your mouth that causes halitosis.

If you suffer with hypertension – guess what? Lemon juice is high in potassium which actually helps to lower blood pressure without the negative side effects associated with prescription medications. If you’ve got a cut or bruise, the vitamin C in lemon juice promotes faster wound healing, and if your joints are stiff or painful, lemon water will break up the uric acid that causes it and give you some welcome relief.

Lemon water is also excellent to drink after your morning workout. It’s full of electrolytes to help you rehydrate. It detoxifies the liver by increasing the production of bile, which keeps it clean, and it breaks up and dissolves mucous – especially when you add a little bit of raw honey to it.

Lemon water will help you reach your highest potential

As if that weren’t enough, lemon water improves brain and nerve function through its potassium content, so it is perfect to drink before going to school or work. Finally, even the mainstream media gives a ‘thumbs up’ to lemon water.

According to a July 18, 2013 report by Fox News, lemon water contributes to weight loss by making you feel fuller longer, so you don’t want to eat as much before lunch (plus, it has fewer calories than any other morning drink except plain water).

Honestly, there is no better drink for the mornings than lemon water. It has so many health benefits, it is practically a pharmacy in a glass. Although, in the United States, we are not allowed to suggest that lemon water can help anyone from overcoming any disease. Because, as we all know, the Food and Drug Administration insists that drugs are the ‘only way to treat health problems.’

Thankfully, what we can still say is, lemon water is a terrific drink – that’s easy to prepare, offers great health benefits and ZERO negative side effects. So, give this a try for yourself, start your mornings off right and improve your health like you never imagined possible with a 16 – 20 ounce glass of lemon water today.

http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2014/03/17/lemon-water-benefits_n_4980265.html, https://vimeo.com/81198941

– See more at: http://www.naturalhealth365.com/benefits-of-lemon-juice-immune-function-1378.html#sthash.WgV7lkbO.dpuf

4 thoughts on “15 benefits of adding lemon juice to your water

  1. Two words to describe this article…..ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC !!!!

    I have the lemons already……I’m on it RIGHT NOW.

    Thank you for this post!!!!

  2. some advice , not sure if it was mentioned or not , didnt have the time to read it all

    use a straw,, dont swill lemon juice , it ruins the enamel on your teeth and you dont get that back

    also brush your teeth right after drinking it thru a straw

  3. I’ve been drinking lemon water for a while now.
    Sometimes I add mint oil, or cayenne pepper, and
    sometimes a bit of honey, or molasses for sweetness.
    And I usually always add fresh ginger.

    And don’t forget honey,lemon,ginger tea is fantastic…add mint and earl grey together for a refreshing taste.


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