20 Cowboys Break Fed Blockade in Nevada, Retrieve Cattle

On Wednesday several of supporters were assaulted by Bureau of Land Management agents.Infowars

Ammon Bundy, the son of besieged Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, told Infowars reporter David Knight today around 20 cowboys went on land claimed by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and retrieved cattle.

“We gathered about 30 head,” said Bundy. “We did have a small confrontation with them, but they didn’t have the forces to do a whole lot. They couldn’t mobilize fast enough and we were able to gather those cattle and get them to the ranch.”  

Cliven Bundy and his family are currently engaged in a standoff with the BLM over a long standing refusal to acknowledge a 1993 modification to grazing rights on land that Bundy asserts has been in his family since 1870. On Saturday, hundreds of federal officials, aided by helicopters, low flying aircraft and hired cowboys, began rounding up Bundy’s cattle in northeastern Clark County.

Bundy’s dispute with the feds escalated yesterday when several of his supporters were assaulted by BLM officials. The BLM is currently rounding up Bundy’s cattle in order to enforce a regulation in order to protect an endangered desert tortoise after 600,000 acres of public land was reclassified as federal property.

During that confrontation, Ammon Bundy, was tasered. His sister, a cancer victim, and a pregnant woman were assaulted by BLM agents.

Protesters chanted “no BLM” as the standoff came to an end. BLM agents began to leave while being yelled at to “get out of here!”

Ammon told Knight and Infowars state representatives will address demonstrators later today.


9 thoughts on “20 Cowboys Break Fed Blockade in Nevada, Retrieve Cattle

  1. Why isn’t the Governor ordering the Sheriff to amass his people to stand against the terrorists? The Sheriff has a duty and a right to up hold the laws against unconstitutional actions…he’s the last defense for the people. His presences along with his officers would change the entire situation….If this Sheriff does nothing, is this what other Sheriffs will do around the country……this is an example of the near future around the u.s…..this situation is a big deal.

      1. ….It appears to be the case….I hear the Governor opposing the BLM, but he needs to order the sheriff to amass his crew to order the Feds to stand down….this would change the situation real fast….It would make a very LOUD statement….this whole thing is pissing me off.

        1. The sheriff doesn’t need to be ordered by the governor to do anything, this is his county, and his oath to the Constitution, to protect the people of Clarke county from enemies both foreign and “domestic.” What this piss ant governor should be doing is sending in the National Guard to protect against federal invasion.

          1. it took and oath to the konstitution of the UNITED STATES CORPORATION not the konstitution for the united States of America there are three the united states is not a land mass it is a crown corporation which also employs the blm nps fish and wildlife all other alphabet agencies all are crown corporations not our government

    1. the sherryiff is under an apron under a black dress getting its odors
      they are all crown corporataion employees blm sherryiff gubinors not our government we are our own they are all crown employees why cant ppl grasp that simple fact its in black and white in there own documents corporation charters known as codes and statues not law color of law

  2. Good job cowboys!! Don’t back down. Rollin’ Rollin’ Rollin’ keep movin’, movin’, movin’ though they’re disapprovin’ keep them doggies movin’ rawhide!

    Frankie Laine- Rawhide

  3. The key words in this article – ” They couldn’t mobilize fast enough ” – will be our success. They’ve been preparing, so have we.

    Did anyone else notice the beards on a couple of those guys? I wonder if they are returning troops from Afghanistan/Iraq, etc.? Angry good ol’ boys don’t react the same as cowering cave dwellers, now do they?

    Stay Alert, Stay Alive

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