Business Insider- by Judith Aquino and Abby Rogers
Lawyers are the second most “psychopathic” profession in the world after CEOs, according to Kevin Dutton’s book “The Wisdom of Psychopaths.”
In his book, Dutton interviews a cold-hearted lawyer who embodies psychopathic tendencies.
Click here to see if you’re a psychopath >
“Deep inside me there’s a serial killer lurking somewhere,” the young attorney told him. “But I keep him amused with cocaine, Formula One, booty calls, and coruscating cross-examination.”
The phenomenon of psychopathy is so enticing that British journalist also Jon Ronson wrote a book on the psychopaths in our midst.
“I think my book offers really good evidence that the way that capitalism is structured really is a physical manifestation of the brain anomaly known as psychopathy,” says Ronson, author of “The Psychopath Test: A Journey Through the Madness Industry” in an interview with Forbes.
“Basically, high-scoring psychopaths can be brilliant bosses but only ever for short term … they always want to make a killing and move on,” Ronson says.
But how similar are high-powered (psychopathic) executives to the average Joe?
Armed with psychologist Robert Hare’s widely used psychopath diagnostic tool, the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R), Ronson explored the world of mental health and criminal profiling to understand what makes some people psychopaths.
Want to know where you fall on the list?
Take the psychopathy test and find out. Each of the items in the test is scored on a three-point scale: A value of 0 is assigned if the item does not apply, 1 if it applies somewhat, and 2 if it fully applies.
Keep track of the items that best describe you and read on for the results.
And don’t worry if you score too high. Dutton’s book argues that society actually couldn’t function without psychopaths.
You have glibness and superficial charm. [See scoring rubric below. Keep a tally and we’ll tell you at the end if you’re a psychopath.]
![You have glibness and superficial charm. [See scoring rubric below. Keep a tally and we'll tell you at the end if you're a psychopath.]](
“American Psycho” screenshot
Does not apply: 0 points
Applies somewhat: 1 point
Fully applies: 2 points
Grandiose sense of self-worth

Does not apply: 0 points
Applies somewhat: 1 point
Fully applies: 2 points
Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom

Does not apply: 0 points
Applies somewhat: 1 point
Fully applies: 2 points
Pathological lying

“The Silence of the Lambs” screenshot
Does not apply: 0 points
Applies somewhat: 1 point
Fully applies: 2 points
Lack of remorse or guilt

Does not apply: 0 points
Applies somewhat: 1 point
Fully applies: 2 points
Shallow affect/emotional range

Does not apply: 0 points
Applies somewhat: 1 point
Fully applies: 2 points
Callous/lack of empathy

Does not apply: 0 points
Applies somewhat: 1 point
Fully applies: 2 points
Parasitic lifestyle
Poor behavioral controls

Does not apply: 0 points
Applies somewhat: 1 point
Fully applies: 2 points
Promiscuous sexual behavior

Does not apply: 0 points
Applies somewhat: 1 point
Fully applies: 2 points
Early behavior problems
Lack of realistic long-term goals

“Dumb and Dumber” screenshot
Does not apply: 0 points
Applies somewhat: 1 point
Fully applies: 2 points

Anthony Weiner
Does not apply: 0 points
Applies somewhat: 1 point
Fully applies: 2 points

Does not apply: 0 points
Applies somewhat: 1 point
Fully applies: 2 points
Failure to accept responsibility for own actions
Many short-term marital relationships

Hugh Hefner with his two girlfriends Kendra Wilkinson and Bridget Marquardt at his birthday party in Munich (2006).
Wikimedia Commons
Does not apply: 0 points
Applies somewhat: 1 point
Fully applies: 2 points
Juvenile delinquency
Revocation of conditional release
Criminal versatility
Does not apply: 0 points
Applies somewhat: 1 point
Fully applies: 2 points
Now for the results:
If you scored 0-5 points: You are most likely not psychopathic.
If you scored 6-29 points: You may have some psychopathic characteristics.
If you scored 30-40 points: You are a prototypical psychopath.
Sources: “The Psychopath Test” by Jon Ronson and
But what about serial killers?
Read more:
Very interesting test. One point, though, in reference to the word “madness” used above: people need to get past thinking of psychopathy as any kind of mental illness. Mental illness exists, of course, in many forms. Psychopathy was long thought to be one of them, indeed, is one of the first types of mental illness described in the literature. However, now that we know that psychopathy is genetic, that it exists worldwide at approximately the same percentage of the population, in all races, social classes, and both sexes, it is more accurate to view it as an alternate hardwiring of the brain with a primary attribute of “no conscience”.
Psychopaths do not see themselves as crazy or disturbed, in fact they see themselves as superior to normals. When you realize how many of them are in top positions in government, religion, corporations, and military organizations around the world, you have to admit they have a point.
That Dutton’s book argues “society couldn’t function without psychopaths” begs the question: Is this the society we really want for our species to create? Do we want to continue down the path where this new mental variant of Homo Sapiens is leading us? If not, if we would like to see a different future for humanity that doesn’t involve “war that will not end in our lifetimes”, then we need to figure out how to alter the course of our civilization to something better. The first step will be identifying and removing psychopaths from positions of authority — perhaps the most dangerous undertaking humans have ever faced.
This is a genetic emergency, and we need to face it squarely in a way our descendents can be proud of and thankful for a thousand years from now.
Wow. That’s the first test I ever passed, and I got a perfect score, too.
A little late in life, but you finally found your niche. LOL
I’m sorry, guys. I scored an 11. I guess I’m somewhat of a psychopath. Can you forgive me? lol
By the way, I like the picture of the hot girls with the “poor behavioral controls”. Hope that doesn’t make me a certified psychopath. lol
To go along with “A terrifying glimps into the mind of a serial killer would be o It is called “Real Life Hannibal Lectors”.
The problem with this test is that any psychopath already knows they are a psychopath. None of them need a test to tell them whether they are or not.
All this test really does is tell the rest of us who are not psychopaths if we have psychopathic tendencies…and let’s be honest here, almost every person on the planet (I will admit there are a few exceptions) has the capacity within them to “behave” like a psychopath yet not be a psychopath.
What this test leaves out is the fact that true psychopaths (and they make up 5% of the population…true figure, do some research) can do anything and never feel guilt, remorse, fear, shame, empathy, or real love. They are incapable of ever feeling those (and some other emotions) EVER, and it’s due to their brains being slightly different than ours.
So a real psychopath can put a gun to the head of their own newborn babies head and pull the trigger and feel nothing. Anyone of us who are not psychopaths who did something like that would feel guilt and remorse and shame for the rest of our lives.
All this test does really is perpetuate a myth that “anyone” can be a psychopath, which is not true. Anyone can at times behave like a psychopath, but if you or I did something that could be considered “psychopathic” we would still be missing the key ingredient for actually being a psychopath, and that is a lack of emotions.
I’ve ALWAYS had an inordinately strong aversion to taking tests.
Could someone please take this one for me, and let me know how I score on it?
Don’t worry. You passed. You’re a certified psychopath. Congratulations! (As I stamp the “Pass” mark on your paper) NEXT! lol
Thanks, NC.
I’ve ALWAYS had an inordinately strong aversion to failing tests too.