2019-nCoV: There’s No Consistent Pattern to Link 5G to Coronavirus Outbreak

In The News Today

INTELCASTER – Rumor has it that the rollout of 5G is to blame for the coronavirus outbreak. The theory is that the virus was created to kill off the population globally and to make sure the plan works ‘5G’ was deployed (allegedly, the radiation “boosts” the virus).

However, so far the reported data does not support that theory.

With GSMA’s 5G Coverage Map & Statistics you can follow the rollout of 5G around the world. Currently their map looks like this (map below), with a full 5G rollout in China, South Korea and Australia. Italy has had several test launches in 2019. While there’s seemingly no 5G in Iran.

Read the rest here: http://itnt.news/1605/


2 thoughts on “2019-nCoV: There’s No Consistent Pattern to Link 5G to Coronavirus Outbreak

  1. What of the satellites beaming 5G? There’s been many satellites launched despite millions of scientists, communication professionals and people researching the effects of those microwave frequencies protesting the application. Therefore, it is my assessment that the article is inconclusive.

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