9 Natural Ways To Keep Spiders Out Of Your Home

9 Natural Ways To Keep Spiders Out Of Your HomeNatural Living Ideas

Let’s be completely honest. Nobody REALLY likes spiders. Even if they are completely harmless little things, nobody really wants spiders hanging around inside their house. But, how do you repel them naturally without hurting them, and without exposing your family to any potentially harmful chemicals?

Read on for the answers you are looking for!  

Mint Them Out

Did you know that spiders HATE peppermint? Most people don’t! An easy way to keep spiders from invading your space is to fill a spray bottle with peppermint essential oil and water, and then spray it around your home. Plus, your home will smell great!!

For more info on repelling spiders using peppermint oil, check out this great article:http://www.herbsandoilsworld.com/how-to-keep-spiders-out-of-your-home-with-peppermint-oil/.

Clean It Up

The cheapest and most organic way to repel spiders naturally is probably not the easiest! Keeping your home neat, tidy and free of dust or webs is the best way to keep spiders from moving in. Regular vacuuming, dusting, and de-cluttering will keep any insects from making themselves at home!

Use Vinegar

White vinegar has about five trillion uses around the house (look it up!), and repelling spiders is one of them! Repelling spiders with vinegar is much like repelling them with peppermint oil, in that you fill a spray bottle with vinegar and water, and spray all the cracks and crevices around your home.

Enlist The Help Of A Furry Friend

Cats are a great spider deterrent! Four legged furry friends can be great hunters and will definitely not let a spider crawl across the floor without going on the prowl and taking care of business!

Don’t Let Them In

A great way to keep spiders out of your home is to never let them in in the first place! Make sure the exterior of your home is free from leaves, grass clippings, wood piles, or any other notorious spider hangouts. You can also check all door openings and windowsills to make sure there isn’t room for spiders to get in that way,and apply caulk when needed.

Citrus Does The Trick

It’s common knowledge that spiders hate all things citrus. Rubbing citrus peels on areas where spiders are known to frequent, like baseboards, windowsills and bookshelves, is a great way to keep them from coming around. Even using lemon scented furniture polish can drive spiders away!

Let Cedar Do The Work

Cedar can be a great deterrent for spiders. You can use cedar mulch outside around the perimeter of your home to try to keep spiders from ever getting inside. If you have access to acedar chest or cedar hangers to use in your closet, that is a good choice as well. Using cedar blocks or shavings inside closets, cupboards or drawers can make them think twice about hanging out in there too!


Yes, you read that right, chestnuts! They have been known to drive away spiders, so placing a few in your windowsills or along your baseboards can keep spiders from hanging out there. Many people also believe that the same thing can be done with an osage orange (also known as a hedgeapple) You can keep chestnuts and hedgeapples in the house for a long time before they go bad, so it’s worth giving it a shot! 


It sounds weird, but spiders hate tobacco just about as much as they hate lemons and chestnuts! You can sprinkle small pieces of tobacco where spiders are troublesome, or you can soak tobacco in water and then spray the mixture all around. However, tobacco is pretty expensive these days, so you can likely find a more affordable fix for keeping spiders at bay!


7 thoughts on “9 Natural Ways To Keep Spiders Out Of Your Home

  1. Those are all good ideas, but the one that has worked the best for keeping all spiders and insects out of my home in the desert is Diatomaceous Earth. I sprinkle a barrier line all around the foundation of my home and it has been very effective; seems to last about two years between treatments, its inexpensive and safe. Do a startpage search for diatomaceous earth for more information. Here’s one source of info: http://www.richsoil.com/diatomaceous-earth.jsp

  2. I do I love spiders and welcome them in. We had two wood spiders living in the house for mos. I named one Henry and the Henrietta they eat insects and in Florida we get a lot of them. There are only a few to watch out for and even those wont kill ya.

    1. Outdoors, I leave them strictly alone. Indoors, however, is taboo. Mosquitos and fleas haven’t bitten me since I started taking MSM, they really hate that stuff.

      Spiders, on the other hand, don’t seem to have a problem with it, so……

  3. Who cares about the spiders. i want to know how to keep the poisonous snakes out. No, I am not kidding.

    1. From the outside: check the foundation for holes/cracks that lead inside; plug them. From the inside: check ALL water pipe entrances and plug them – 000 steel wool works. Don’t forget the dish washer! Check all entrances(door, window, air conditioning/heating ducts, etc…) for any space between them and the walls – no matter how small, seal them. Check all walls: make sure no voids exist behind paneling, wall paper, etc. Do you have an attic? Check the entrance first. And in an effort to state the obvious, NO NOT stick your hand ANYWHERE you can’t see. Inspect VERY CAREFULLY! You may want to call a pro in, for assistance.

  4. cedar is great. diatomaceous earth is good too. As for snakes Iv heard diatomaceous earth works as well as moth balls. The smell of moth balls drives all prey away and makes the snake unable to smell so they leave.

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