29 thoughts on “Actions of the TSA considered acceptable

  1. Angel,

    I saw this when I was cleaning the house this morning. I just about hurled the can of furniture polish at the t.v.

    I love how they are trying to make the TSA hip and cool and everyone just loves being molested by them. Next place to boycott is Old Navy. Hopefully J.D. will add them to his traitor list on Monday.

  2. If I didn`t know any better I would have thought that this was a NSA lesbian comercial.
    Like Deb said @ 1:37 above makes me sick too

    1. the mind numbed robots that watch that stuff continuously wont even notice that digger. it continues to astonishe me how stupid people are.

        1. ya know. the wife and i don’t go out much at all. were content just to hang around with each other. we are kind of hermits in a way. we both think alike and at our age, don’t like to be around folks that don’t think like us. to much superficial crap out there that means absolutely nothing when it comes down to it.

          1. That is how me and my exes always were – at least that is what I thought till I found out she was a damned gold digger.

          2. yea digger that’s a shame. life can be so simple if ya have someone you can depend on…. Wish you had that. Money cant buy that. you either have integrity or you don’t. there’s no middle ground when it comes to honesty or integrity, .

  3. Monday I am contacting them I have the number 800-653-6289 for corporate headquarters. I am going to relate to them how much we despise the TSA and that we don’t appreciate your ad featuring them…

    I am going to lay it on.

      1. You both have great proactive ideas we can all follow!! 🙂

        Okay … done deal! Here is what I wrote to Adweek:

        “Please remove this disgusting trash from my TV! You are part of the problem in this country when you propagandize to our children like this!

        We dispise the TSA and do not appreciate you featuring them in your ads! This is the lowest level I’ve seen Old Navy sink to and you can be sure I will not, ever, be shopping Old Navy again!”
        . . .

  4. I know … it’s such a sad world we’re finding ourselves in now. I imagine it’ll get worse as time goes on. I feel bad for the generations coming up behind us. All the knowledge we had access to in school has been taken away from them. I’m trying to get a small library together to leave for my daughter and granddaughter. Will they read it? Who knows … one could hope. 🙁
    . . .

    1. Agreed. I have a library, too (in TX, many books are also my Father’s library). Don’t know that mine will ever be read, either. Like you, I hope…
      I’ve been given a hard time for years (even my Mother) about “Why are you keeping all those books? Get rid of them!” 🙁

  5. Wow! So by TSA’s standards, didn’t they just let a known (Old Navy) terrorist go? Gee…How do they expect us to take TSA seriously when they run away from a person wearing Old Navy jeans?

    Yes, like many other commenters, this commercial pisses me off and how we are supposed to accept these assholes feeling us up and making us accustomed to it like a game. F**K TSA and F**K OLD NAVY!!!

    And I was thinking the same thing as Digs was when I first saw that female TSA making “wong-wong” noises as she is feeling up the woman’s jeans with her wand. Are they trying to make it a lesbian commercial or cater to the lesbians, too?

    What an utter abomination!

    Boycott Old Navy and hang the bastards for treason!

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