AE911Truth’s Statement on the Viral Blacksmith YouTube Video

AE911 Truth

Much hay has been made in recent days about a YouTube video posted by a blacksmith named Trenton Tye, who tries to debunk the theory that the World Trade Center Twin Towers and Building 7 were destroyed by controlled demolition.

Within the first two days of being posted, Tye’s video received five million views and was covered by the Washington Post, the Daily Mirror, and the Huffington Post — the latter with the celebratory headline, “Metal Worker Shuts Down 9/11 Truthers… With His Pinkie.”  

In fact, Tye’s attempt to disprove controlled demolition by heating a half-inch piece of steel to 1,800°F and bending it like a “noodle” is way off. He seems to think the controlled demolition argument goes like this, “Fire can’t melt steel, so the buildings couldn’t have collapsed from fire.” He couldn’t be more mistaken.

The only reason that melting steel is discussed at all is because government officials, engineers, first responders, and others observed large amounts of molten metal (requiring temperatures of more than 2,800°F) in the debris of all three buildings.

Tye’s sixth-grade-level demonstration that structural steel loses strength at 1,800°F does nothing to address the presence of molten metal at Ground Zero. If anything, Tye proves that the fires in the World Trade Center could not have generated the molten metal that witnesses saw. What did? The only plausible explanation is thermite, an incendiary that can be used to cut through structural steel.

Putting aside the molten metal, Tye’s demonstration is wholly irrelevant for the simple reason that the fires in the World Trade Center could not have heated the structure anywhere near as high as the 1,800°F to which Tye heated his piece of steel using a furnace.

Jet fuel fires reach temperatures of around 1,500°F only under optimal conditions. In open air conditions like the WTC buildings, they burn at around 600°F. Even according to the government agency that investigated the disaster, there is no evidence that any of the steel was heated to the point where it would lose its strength.

There have been literally hundreds of hotter, larger, longer-lasting fires in steel-frame high-rises over the last century, and never has one caused the total collapse of a building. Tye’s simplistic logic implies that many of these infernos should have led to a total collapse. Of course, none has — and that also goes for the three steel-frame high-rises that were destroyed on 9/11.

That this YouTube video has become an overnight sensation testifies to the alarming lack of journalistic rigor and scientific acumen with which the media has approached the debate surrounding the World Trade Center destruction on 9/11 — and to the rampant misinformation that has followed.

We encourage anyone who thinks there might be some validity to Tye’s confused science experiment to visit and to read our most recent publication, Beyond Misinformation: What Science Says About the Destruction of World Trade Center Buildings 1, 2, and 7, for real expert analysis of the evidence.

15 thoughts on “AE911Truth’s Statement on the Viral Blacksmith YouTube Video

  1. ‘That this YouTube video has become an overnight sensation’

    …shows the complicity of the media whores.

    “I’m here to chew bubblegum and kick ass, darn, I’m all out of bubblegum. “

  2. I’m sure jew tu e helped to fluff up the views. Capitol hill and their families probablygave it the thumbs up lol. He is moron. And probably isn’t very good at building anything of use. Probably a really low IQ also. Dumb bastard. Go back to sleep.

  3. This debate was settled a decade ago, but you can always count on Facebook idiots to ignore all scientific analysis in favor of a blacksmith’s stupidity.

    Do you think it’s possible that 1700 architects and engineers know a little more about what caused a building collapse than a moron who swings a hammer all day?

    The only difficulty in exposing the truth of 9-11 is that scared little sissies are too afraid to believe it, so they’ll cling to anyone who says it isn’t so.

    1. That’s just it, J.R.! I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, 911 is the “Doomsday Machine” for the elites. If they can’t keep that house of cards from falling, it’s all over for them.

      I watched J.D. on the Today show with the movement. Yes, it’s all been exposed as a farce, Israeli “Mossad”, CIA, NSA, FBI, operation.

      Now, we sit back and ponder, “Hey Vern, what we gonna do about this?” I’m not “preaching to the choir” regarding fellow “trenchers” here, but most Americans you meet in day to day life appear entranced in bewilderment, like a deer in the headlights, clueless to do anything to affect the outcome of their miserable false happiness in this world of make believe.

      With the current level of incompetence in charge, I believe the next false flag may “blow up in their face”, bitch slap the “Sleeping Giant”, and snap many “out of it”!

      1. “…but most Americans you meet in day to day life appear entranced in bewilderment, like a deer in the headlights, clueless to do anything to affect the outcome of their miserable false happiness in this world of make believe.”

        Most daily goons accept what they are spoon fed via MSM and Twitter feeds & the like.

        Most people are hard pressed to name over 7 US presidents, the younger you look the lower that number goes.

        Basic info too such as what is, in the simplest terms, CONgress – such has House / Senate.

        Irritating myself, guess I go propagate some (of our style) crap, polar opposite to the MSM, facebook.

  4. The Video is a sensation because of the media who have been instructed to play it up because the Truth is there and many are beginning see it which will cause the US Gov’t to collapse in on itself just as WTC 7 did. But this will not be a controlled collapse. There will be a lot of collateral damage but war is war wether it be with a Foreign enemy or Domestic enemies. Continue to Prepare everyday is another day to bring Justice and the Rope to many.

  5. thanks AE911 Truth…once again you’ve exposed the pro-fed shills for what they are: desperate liars. Even a basic understanding of physics (and related scientific disciplines) and the evil nature of the federal bureaucracy will lead an objective observer to the truth of 911.

  6. word to the wise unless you saw it, touched, tasted , or felt it , don’t believe it. and even then you cant be sure…

    1. “Well, it looks like dog shit, smells like dog shit, tastes like dog shit, good thing we didn’t step in it.” (Cheech and Chong)

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