19 thoughts on “ALERT: Militias Rise! Vow To Fight Oregon Democrats ‘At Any Cost,’ Gov. Calls Police To Arms

  1. Do any of these people even know who the hell Henry is? Boy, they’re really coming out of the woodwork now arent they? Have any of these even visited our site?

      1. I clicked to see who it was you were referring to….I said oh, him ….then I clicked it right off LOL

          1. I had to hear what he was puttin’ out there. You know, it’s that ole’ “Know your enemy” thing.

            And I get a sense that the guy thinks he’s the cat’s pajamas. Guess he doesn’t know cats don’t wear pajamas.



        1. Same here, as well as Lisa Haven, Lauren Southern, Tommy Zioshill, PJW, Dabooh7 and the rest of the clickbait crapolas…

    1. Because it did, and it’s headin’ everywhere.

      But you already knew that.

      The lyrics to that old song come to mind: “Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.”



      1. That’s what I keep telling those losers who want to (or already did) leave this country.

        I actually WAS hoping for a bit LESS Communism 101 when I moved here… guess I’m a day late & a dollar short. 🙁

          1. Texas is a communist state with people who for some reason are proud and actually believe they have a Republican form of government.

            “Don’t mess with Texas.” – What a joke.

          2. lol NC….. I told a store clerk here ‘ I have never been any place where the people are so proud of their state’…..she smiled as if I was making it a compliment …sheesh! and omg! I have never seen so much merchandise with texas all over it

          3. I didn’t realize how bad humidity could get until I moved a neighbor lady to San Antonio.

            WAY too hot & humid for Hatr there.

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