“Hoax:” — “A trick or a fraud.” – Webster’s New World Dictionary – 1953-’59 – The World Publishing Co.
“When did big government and its mainstream media tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?” – [Pastor emeritus Nathan M. Bickel]
The Following comments are from a Moralmatters reader regarding the alleged “Santa Barbara Shooting.” He readily calls into question [and debunks] the reality of the reported [alleged] “stabbing / shooting” event:
Moralmatters Reader Comment # 1:
Here is the story line as it went down in his apartment before the “shooter” went out on his rampage in Santa Barbara on Friday night:
The three stabbing victims – all men – see the swishy director’s son, their roommate, coming at them with a knife.
All three men stand there and do nothing.
The director’s son stabs one of them. The victim does not put up a fight and no one does anything to stop him, so the kid continues stabbing his first victim, then moves on to the second victim. The second victim does not try to defend himself and no one does anything to stop “Elliot,” so the kid continues his attack until the third man is thoroughly stabbed.
All three men who were stabbed are left to bleed out and die. Not one of them has called 9-1-1 at any time during this siege, and no one in the apartment building has heard anything during the whole time this swishy kid reportedly managed to stab three young men to death.
The assailant then (calmly) leaves the apartment with three loaded 9MM handguns and a boatload of ammunition.
This sounds like the plot of a bad video game.
Comment #2 by the same Moralmatters.org reader:
How is it that a 22 Y-O spoiled kid was able to write a 141-page “manifesto” that reads somewhat like a Hollywood screenplay?
How is it that a 22 Y-O “gay as pink ink” kid was able to stab three MALE roommates to death? Were they all standing in line, each man waiting for his turn to be stabbed?
This part of the story is particularly hard to believe.
This fey little kid was reportedly shot through the hip (while he was still driving), and when his car finally stopped, he allegedly shot himself in the head. The attached photo shows the car after the crime spree was stopped. The air bag deployed, but we see no blood at all – anywhere in or around the vicinity of the car.
Why is there no blood from all the gunshots? The Sheriff said his deputies shot the kid in the hip. No blood. As an afterthought, the Sheriff remembered to tell the news media that the kid had shot himself in the head and was deceased when the deputies came to pull him out of the car. No blood.
How is it that after so much shooting and a dead body that expired as a consequence of gun shot wounds, there is no blood in or around the BMW? That BMW was the scene of the death of the perpetrator who died by gun shot wounds he sustained while he was in the car.
Comment # 3:
You cannot imagine how much the talk radio pundits are covering this.
They are going over every detail of this kid, his mental problems, and all he supposedly did. The story itself has so many “moving parts” that it is not believable. Just the fact that the media claims there were nine to 12 separate crime scenes tells you that this is a HOAX.
If you read some of Wolfgang Halbig’s comments about his research into the non-existent “Adam Lanza” character from CT, then you will see the obvious.
The media whores have been stating that that the kid in Santa Barbara had Asperger’s Syndrome. Wolfgang has said that kids who have Asperger’s have difficulty with motor skills. This means they don’t get around well enough to function at the level of either “Adam Lanza” or this “Elliot Rodger.”
If you believe the stories of SH and SB, then you have to believe that there were very high-functioning, soldier-level young men carrying and using very high-powered weapons. Adam and Elliot would have had to have been very high-functioning and very well-trained young men – not skinny kids with Asperger’s Syndrome.
You can’t have it both ways
These kids cannot be mentally and physically challenged (and on drugs) while at the same time functioning at a high level as though they were very highly trained Navy SEALS.
Comment # 4:
More gun control rhetoric from a parent
“Bob Weiss,” the Father of a so-called victim, had this to say:
“The kids keep dying. The guns keep showing up everywhere,” Weiss told KING-TV. “It seems like you can buy a gun as easily as you can get a Slurpee at 7/11. That’s just too dangerous.”
Directly related informational links to the article above:
Santa Barbara Shooting Hoax: Another Propaganda Government Grab For your Guns – moralmatters.org
Santa Barbara Bigwigs Talk Gun Control – Electeds, Advocates, Cops Weigh In on Issues -Sunday, October 20, 2013
by Kelsey Brugger – independent.com
Senator moves to reintroduce failed gun bills following CA shooting – teaparty.org
Photoshop Hack Job Detected in Santa Barbara Hoax – nodisinfo.com
Ever thought of becoming a CRISIS ACTOR? FEMA Recruiting Now! – consciousshift2012.wordpress.com
Related informational links:
Franklin Regional High School Stabbing Scam: Americans Wake Up To Your Wicked Government!
Franklin Regional High School “Stabbings:” Likely Another Government / Media Pre-Planned Hoax Event – moralmatters.org
Other related links:
Update (5-17-13) Government Admits Using ‘Professional Actors’ To Play The Role of Victims in Terror Drills – trentslist.org
Strategic Operations – vimeo.com/
Amputee actors help make Boston Bombing Hoax look real! – youtube.com/http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNsnCVuE2C4&feature=youtu.be
Crisis Actors Used at Sandy Hook! Special Report – youtube.com/
Obama’s Sandy Hook Hoax a Cash Windfall for Conncticut Criminals – chemtrailsplanet.net
Various Past Gov’t / Media Fabricated Creations:
Alleged Sandy Hook Shooting Massacre: Pictures with captions depict the hoax
Also related to the above:
Fort Hood 2014 Shooting: Government Campaign To Confiscate Guns One Group At A Time
Ridding America of Obama and corrupt government: Deliberate, practical and prayerful ways
America’s Biggest Gov’t / Media Scam:
Informational links dealing with the most important issue our nation faces; a White House occupier national security risk, who arrived there by stealth and corruption:
Obama’s birth certificate documentation now publicly declared a forgery by the legal Sheriff Arpaio Investigation – moralmatters.org
- The Sheriff Arpaio Information Kit and the damning evidence of aka Obama’s ID Fraud – moralmatters.or
- Where’s Obama’s Birth Certificate? – wheresobamasbirthcertificate.com
- Sheriff’s Kit – dropbox.com – Note the forensic evidence of Obama’s criminal ID fraud
- Terrible Truth by Martha Trowbridge – Investigative Research On Barack Hussein Obama II: Forget What He Claims! The Real Personal History Of The Man Who Presents As United States President “Barack Hussein Obama II” – terribletruth.marthatrowbridgeradio.org/blog
- Poor Bari Shabazz, A Fugitive At Large. Of Course He’s Got To Hide Out As Barack Obama! – terribletruth.wordpress.com
Please note for future voting consideration reference:
“A thinking person will question what he hears; examine what he sees; and evaluate what others would have him believe.”
“When did big government and its mainstream media tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?”
[Pastor emeritus Nathan M. Bickel]
Fire not only the director, but the producer as well.
And ESPECIALLY the screenwriter.
I see that sharp wit and sarcastic humor is still alive, I love it! 🙂
Workin’ on it, Millard, workin’ on it. 🙂