15 thoughts on “Already Gone – The Eagles


    In a nearly $13 billion settlement with the U.S. Justice Department in November 2013, JPMorganChase admitted that it, along with every other large U.S. bank, had engaged in mortgage fraud as a routine business practice, sowing the seeds of the mortgage meltdown. JPMorgan and other megabanks have now been caught in over a dozen major frauds, including LIBOR-rigging and bid-rigging; yet no prominent banker has gone to jail. DONT FORGET; Their Manipulation of PM’s. BUT THE COPS AROUND TOWN ARE WRITING ALOT TICKETS FOR VICTIMLESS”crimes”. SEEMS MOSQUITO SEASON IS YEAR ROUND THESE DAYS

    1. What is up with this comment as you put the exact same comment on another more appropriate article haveing to do with your comment about the cartell at 4:06 this morning.
      What is up with that comment as there is still plenty of time to delete this comment on this article/song ya know.
      Reminds me of what that pepper was doing yesterday. doing the same thing as you are doing this morning.
      Just sayin` dead and bloated.

  2. Well Geeze #1, This is a great way to wake up this morning with my first cup of coffee and the Eagles.
    Thanks for posting this as I know that you rarely post any music 🙂

      1. Was that the one about the cartell?
        I will check that out on the 4:06 articl this morning.
        Thanks Angel for the heads up. 😉
        P.S I checked the one about the cartell @ 4:06 but didn`t see anything about “get over it ”
        What was that about Angel?

      2. Nope, I didn`t see anything about “Get Over It” . Where was that Angel? What was that about ?
        I mean was that a article or something?

          1. AH, good post. I didn`t go back that far.
            He didn`t have a post on that though, it must have been taken off or deleted or something.
            Good song though all the same 😉

            I saw #1`s comment there at 3:08, but I was looking for that dead and bloated guy is the one I was reffering to..

            As yua know Angel, I am pretty protective of us here and I am watching that dead and bloated guy and pepper. I`m just watching those two.

          2. Huh? I just checked the link and his comment w/ video is March 5, 2014 at 3:08pm. I replied that I had found 3 videos and emailed the links to him. He chose the 1st of the 3 to post today. 🙂

          3. It’s there in the comment section, digger. I just posted another one to thank Angel.

          4. You must be talking about #1`s comment 🙂 right 😉 cause I did see his. I was watching that dead and bloated guy very closly ya know.
            Oh yes I did see #1`s comment and all 😉

            @ 4:04 #1. Oh yes I did see that #1. yes I also have always liked the Eagles too. Just never seen them in concert, wish I did though

          5. LOL Yes digger, I was referring to #1 not the other guy. If I was referring to “dead and bloated,” I would have put my reply under your comment @4:36am. 😉

          6. @ Angel 4:30. LOL YesI guess that I can get a little slow at times eh Angel.
            I am very protective of you guys here ya know with all the trollin` going on ya know.
            Say Angel and #1, How do I find Missy and Bulldogs presentation tonight. I need help finding it ya know 😉 .
            I should have known but forgot – lots of things going on lately ya know.
            Kind of slow tonight I guess I am . 😉

          7. Thanks Angel. I have ben trying to find it . I will do that link there. Thankyou again Angel.

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