Ancient Asiatic Writing in North America

Ruskamp ImageAncient America – by Dr John Ruskamp

For centuries, researchers have been debating if, in pre-Columbian times, meaningful exchanges between the indigenous peoples of Asia and the Americas ever occurred. Periodically, over the past 250 years knowledgeable sinologists and oceanographers have written positively on this topic, yet, so far, no conclusive proof has been put forth establishing such trans-Pacific contact as a historical event.

Now in a published research manuscript Dr. John Ruskamp provides previously unrecognized and compelling new epigraphic evidence, in the form of ancient North American Chinese rock writings that he has identified interspersed among otherwise Native American petroglyphs and pictographs, establishing that in pre-Columbian times literate Asians did indeed traverse the Pacific Ocean to North America, shortly after 1150 BC.  

In his recently published report titled Asiatic Echoes – The Identification of Ancient Chinese Pictograms in pre-Columbian North American Rock Writing, 2nd edition, Dr. Ruskamp presents conclusive analytical epigraphic evidence supporting this conclusion. Importantly, the most significant of these old Asiatic rock writings have been confirmed as ancient Chinese symbols by the foremost authority on oracle-bone writing, David N. Keightley, Ph.D., and by an experienced senior National Park Service staff member knowledgeable about the dating and tribal affiliations of Native southwestern rock art.

In his discourse, Ruskamp provides the reader with multiple examples of individual, paired, and in some cases widely dispersed ancient Chinese pictograms, all of which appear with otherwise native rock art at numerous scattered sites across North America. And, as knowledge of these symbols was extinguished from mankind’s memory by imperial Chinese declarations shortly after 1150 BC, which prohibited their use, the study’s rock art imagery cannot be viewed as recent specious fabrications. (Note: These lost symbols were only relatively recently rediscovered at Anyang, China in 1899, long after the study’s petroglyphs and pictograms were created.) Moreover, Ruskamp contends that Native Americans appropriated some of these ancient Chinese symbols for use in their own writings, a form of communication that most anthropologists do not credit them with having utilized.

In Asiatic Echoes Ruskamp employs the novel integration of the legal construct of substantial similarity with the comparative statistical tool of Jaccard’s Index of Similarity to evaluate the Chinese ancestry of fifty-three old North American petroglyphs. The resulting statistical determinations, which as is stated above have been confirmed by independent experts; firmly establish the Asiatic epigraphic ancestry of the study’s rock writing symbols. In each instance, the comparative analytical evidence provided by the author validates the sometimes-obvious similarity of the glyphs’ line strokes with those of correspondingly ancient and complex Chinese script pictograms. Here is solid, demonstrable, and scientific proof that in the pre-Columbian era ancient Asiatic explorers not only reached the Americas, but that they interacted positively with Native North American people long before any European expedition arrived on the continent.

The following three paired images are representative of the many ancient Chinese script symbols identified in Asiatic Echoes that have been gleaned from the Asiatic rock writing record of North America.


Image 1

A New Mexico petroglyph and an equally old Chinese script pictogram meaning “flower.”


Image 2

A complex Nevada petroglyph illustrating teeth and its matching Chinese oracle-bone script symbol.


The Bronze era Chinese pictogram for a large tree shown at left, and an identical Arizona petroglyph.


The photo at the top of this article shows three oracle-bone Chinese pictograms located at a site in New Mexico. Left to right they are: Tian meaning an agricultural field; Guo meaning a fruit tree; and Zhou meaning a boat.

Asiatic Echos Front

Asiatic Echoes: The Identification of Ancient Chinese Pictograms in pre-Columbian North American Rock Writing

John A. Ruskamp, Jr.

Brand New, 2nd edition published August 2, 2013. Extremely important work on ancient Asiatic cultures leaving their marks all over North America.  Dr. Ruskamp’s work is an essential resource for proving the Chinese came to America long before Columbus. This is not a shock, as it is our understanding they teach this to Chinese students in China.  We will try and confirm this in due time.

4 thoughts on “Ancient Asiatic Writing in North America

  1. I wonder if any meaningful DNA study has been done to determine whether at least some of our native Indian forefathers carry the Chinese genes.

    1. And if the DNA results confirms that the Native American forefathers carry Chinese genes, then the Chinese can claim the USA territory is their land — stolen from them by European settlers. Furthermore, Mexico could make the same claim.

  2. So are the Communists going to use this bullshit to try and convince everyone that mean our land really belongs to China?

  3. Thanks for sharing this information on what is still an ongoing research endeavor. Please note that there are further examples of pre-Columbian ancient Chinese scripts in North America yet to be published.

    As many ancient Asiatic populations (Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese, etc.) appropriated old Chinese scripts for their own writing systems the exact authorship for what we are finding, and reading, in the rock writing record is somewhat uncertain. Hence, I really doubt there is any risk of a modern land claim taking place.

    As far as the presence of Asiatic DNA in Native Americans, including those in Central and South America, almost all Native individuals carry Asiatic DNA markers. A few Native groups, mostly in northeastern Canada, contain European DNA, too.

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