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Savannah River Armory presents the first webisode in their series “Uncertain Tomorrow.”

This video depicts how a family could survive a global catastrophe resulting in civil unrest, assuming they are prepared.   Continue reading “If the world collapsed tomorrow, families of survivors would look like this”

ABC News

A somber Albuquerque police chief stood surrounded by dozens of law enforcement officials Thursday as he described a well-liked, highly decorated officer who was gunned down outside a pharmacy last week.

Officer Daniel Webster died early Thursday at University of New Mexico Hospital, a little more than a week after he was shot by an ex-convict, Chief Gorden Eden said. Webster’s death followed an especially violent week in New Mexico’s largest city in which police say another gunman shot and killed a 4-year-old girl amid a road rage dispute.   Continue reading “New Mexico Police Officer Dies After Being Shot on Duty”

CNN – by Ann O’Neill, Ed Lavandera and Jason Morris

Waco, Texas (CNN)After the guns fell silent on May 17 — one of the bloodiest afternoons in the history of American motorcycle clubs — nine bikers lay dead in a strip mall parking lot littered with weapons.

Many more were injured, bleeding from gunshots and knife wounds. A police officer asked what every other cop there must have wondered at that moment: How many of you are armed?   Continue reading “Knives, guns, blood and fear: Inside the Texas biker shootout”

The Hill – by Mike Lillis and Peter Schroeder

House lawmakers in both parties joined forces Wednesday to pass a sweeping budget deal that marks both a parting victory for outgoing Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and a valedictory gift for his likely replacement, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.).

The final vote was 266 to 167, with 79 Republicans joining every Democrat in sealing passage. Ryan was among the supporters.   Continue reading “House approves budget deal in big 266-167 vote”

LA Times – by Veronica Rocha and Matt Hamilton

A Kern County sheriff’s deputy arrested this weekend for allegedly aiming a handgun at children was arrested again Tuesday evening and then managed to escape, prompting a manhunt in Bakersfield, authorities said.

Days after Edward Tucker, a deputy for more than 18 years, was arrested and then released after allegedly flashing a handgun at a group of girls, a person asked for a welfare check on him, said Kern County sheriff’s office spokesman Ray Pruitt said.   Continue reading “Central California deputy escapes from custody after 2nd arrest, prompting manhunt”

New York Times

Military officials were scrambling Wednesday to retrieve an unmanned Army surveillance blimp that detached from its moorings in Maryland and drifted north over Pennsylvania.

Two American fighter jets were tracking the blimp, military officials said, that had been tethered at Aberdeen Proving Ground and broke free around noon.

The North American Aerospace Defense Command in Colorado posted an official statement, saying that the aerostat was “drifting northward & has descended near the ground.”   Continue reading “Fighter Jets Tracking Runaway Military Surveillance Blimp”


SAVANNAH, Ga. (AP) — Authorities in Georgia are investigating after they say two Savannah-Chatham Metropolitan Police officers and a third person were shot.

News outlets in Savannah report that the officers were shot around midnight Tuesday. Police spokeswoman Eunicia Baker says both officers suffered non-life-threatening injuries.   Continue reading “Authorities say 2 Savannah-Chatham police officers shot”

Fox News

House Republicans on Tuesday introduced a resolution to impeach IRS Commissioner John Koskinen, accusing him of making “false statements” under oath and failing to comply with a subpoena for evidence.

House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, and 18 other committee members introduced the resolution to begin impeachment proceedings. In doing so, they followed through on a threat first made over the summer, when Republicans accused the IRS leader of making inaccurate statements to Congress regarding the Tea Party targeting scandal and its aftermath.   Continue reading “House Republicans introduce measure to impeach IRS Commissioner Koskinen”

NBC News

Defense Secretary Ashton Carter said Tuesday that the U.S. will begin “direct action on the ground” against ISIS forces in Iraq and Syria, aiming to intensify pressure on the militants as progress against them remains elusive.

“We won’t hold back from supporting capable partners in opportunistic attacks against ISIL, or conducting such missions directly whether by strikes from the air or direct action on the ground,” Carter said in testimony before the Senate Armed Services committee, using an alternative name for the militant group.   Continue reading “Ashton Carter: U.S. to Begin ‘Direct Action on the Ground’ in Iraq, Syria”

The Blaze – by Fred Lucas

White House press secretary Josh Earnest conceded Monday that Chicago is a city with a high rate of gun crimes and murder despite having very strict gun control laws. But he said that’s even more of an argument for stricter national laws.

President Barack Obama is scheduled to head to Chicago Tuesday to speak to the International Association of the Chiefs of Police.   Continue reading “White House: Chicago’s Gun Control Laws Are ‘Good Illustration’ of the Need for National Gun Control”

Breitbart – by Caroline May

The Department of Homeland Security is “diligently” complying with a federal judge’s order that prohibits the long term detention of illegal-immigrant families and children.

“In light of the October 23 deadline for compliance with the Court’s Flores Order, DHS has worked diligently to ensure that we are in compliance with all aspects of the Court’s Order,” Jennifer Elzea, a Customs and Immigration Enforcement spokeswoman, said in an emailed statement.   Continue reading “DHS Releasing ‘Family’ Illegal Immigrants”

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Greanville Post – by Russell Bentley


The US and EU have spent many billions on installing and propping up their puppet proxy government in Kiev.   And after the purchase, “Cry ‘Havoc!’, and let slip the dogs of war”.  These traitors, psychopaths and genuine terrorists have committed countless war crimes in the East, and run the society and economy into the ground in the West of Ukraine. The billions sent by the West to Ukraine do not go to foster “freedom and democracy”, they go to line the pockets of the criminals and traitors in power, to the detriment of the Ukrainian People, both East and West. So, as the US and EU continue to fund their Dogs of War in Kiev, one must ask, “How much is that War Doggie in the window?” And what do you get for your money?   Continue reading “Texac Chronicle No. 4 : How much is that War Doggie in the window?”

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NEO – by Russell Bentley

If you are under 21, do not read this. If you are over 21, you have a moral obligation to read this, and view the photos, to to look into the depths of human depravity, into the face of pure evil, to ponder it, to understand it, because if you do not understand it, you cannot fight it, and if you do not fight it, you cannot defeat it. And if we do not defeat it, it will defeat us…

When I was on my way to Donetsk, I stopped in Rostov for a few days. I became friends with Mikael, the owner of the hostel I stayed at. He was a big, tough guy, a real Russian badass, tall, bald and muscular. He was also a veteran of the Russian Army, and a combat veteran of both Chechen wars. When I told him I was going to Donbass to fight fascists, he said ” War is bad”, and he meant it.  I replied “Fascism is worse than war”. The story I am writing today explains what I meant by that… Continue reading “Odessa: A Fate Worse Than Death” – by Erin Edgemon

Between 7,000 and 10,000 stolen guns were seized over the weekend at a Pageland, S.C. house and warehouse.

The Chesterfield County, S.C. Sheriff’s Office arrested the owner of the house, Brent Nicholson, in connection to the stolen goods, WBTV reported. The exact charges are unknown at this time.   Continue reading “South Carolina man, ‘gun hoarder,’ had more than 7,000 stolen firearms, police say”

The Hill – by Kristina Wong

Gun owners and California law enforcement officers have filed a lawsuit against the city of Los Angeles, claiming its ban on high-capacity magazines violates existing state regulations.

Gun owners face a Nov. 18 deadline to give up magazines that contain more than 10 rounds of ammunition, after Los Angeles’ City Council voted in July to ban ownership of the magazines, according to the Los Angeles Daily News.    Continue reading “Law enforcement sues LA over ban on high-capacity magazines”

Yahoo News – by Amy Forliti

The Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin said agents from the Drug Enforcement Administration entered their sovereign lands on Friday and improperly destroyed a crop of industrial hemp — but federal authorities said the crop was actually an illegal marijuana growing operation and some of the participants were not tribal members.

There were no arrests, and the investigation is ongoing, the DEA said.   Continue reading “DEA raids tribal land to destroy pot; tribe says it was hemp”

Fox News

States and industry groups dependent on fossil fuels began filing court challenges Friday to President Barack Obama’s Clean Power Plan, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Opponents of the plan were expected to file a flurry of lawsuits at the U.S. Court of Appeals as the Environmental Protection Agency published its final version of the new regulations. All but two of the 24 states filing challenges are led by Republicans. They deride the plan as an “unlawful power grab by Washington bureaucrats” that will kill coal mining jobs and drive up electricity costs.    Continue reading “States sue over new EPA air regulations”

Yahoo News – by Katie Reilly

NEW YORK (Reuters) – The New Jersey Senate voted to override Governor Chris Christie’s veto of a gun control bill on Thursday, marking the first time either chamber of the legislature has overturned one of his vetoes since he took office in 2010.

Christie, who is running for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination, rejected the bill in August after it passed unanimously in both the state Senate and General Assembly. The governor has a mixed record on gun control, a hot-button issue in the 2016 presidential race.   Continue reading “New Jersey Senate overrides Christie veto of gun control bill”

Red Alert Politics – by Ryan Girdusky

President Obama campaigned on the idea that there was not two Americas, but apparently there are–one for law abiding American citizens and another for illegal immigrants.

The Associated Press reported that Ramon Perez-Riveria, an 82-year old illegal immigrant, who has been in the U.S. for decades, was spared from a federal prison sentence on Wednesday despite the severity of his crime.   Continue reading “Illegal Immigrant Commits ID Theft, Sentenced to 1 Day in Jail and Not Deported”

USA Today – by Bart Jansen

The Transportation Department threatened legal action Thursday against Kuwait Airways for refusing to sell tickets to Israelis.

The department ordered the airline to “cease and desist from refusing to transport Israeli citizens between the U.S. and any third country where they are allowed to disembark,” according to a letter from Blane Workie, the department’s assistant general counsel for enforcement.   Continue reading “DOT orders Kuwait Airways to stop discriminating against Israelis”