California Fire News

Rival campers who opened fire on each other at campground turns out that the rival gun-toting campers were both Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputies

An apparent booze-fueled dispute over loud music between two groups at a Chino campground over the weekend escalated to the point where men from both sides drew guns and opened fire.   Continue reading “2 off-duty drunken LA County Cops Draw Guns On Each Other At Campground”

Andrew Burton / Getty Images / AFP RT News

Police violated a suspect’s Fourth Amendment rights when, in an attempt to find drugs on his person, they temporarily paralyzed him and administered an anal probe, a US federal court has ruled.

Felix Booker and his brother were driving through Oak Ridge, Tennessee in February 2010 when police stopped their vehicle. Smelling marijuana, police brought a K-9 unit to the scene, which alerted them to drugs in the car. Even though police are only authorized to give a ticket when finding less than 14 grams of marijuana, officers arrested Booker after finding .06 grams in his car.    Continue reading “Conviction overturned after police illegally paralyze man, administer invasive probe”

Officials said they are seeking an order to exhume the body buried at the New Jersey cemetery where a woman believed to be Sharolyn Jackson was buried.CenturyLink – by MICHAEL RUBINKAM – Associated Press

Carrie Minney could have sworn the woman in the casket was her 50-year-old daughter.

When Minney and the rest of Sharolyn Jackson’s family attended her viewing, funeral and burial in New Jersey on Aug. 3, they noted that Jackson’s nose looked thinner. But they figured something had happened to it during the embalming process.   Continue reading “Pa. woman turns up alive after her own NJ funeral”

Press TV

More than 30 towns in West Texas will soon be out of water as a direct result of diverting their underground water supplies for use in hydraulic fracking.

Largely unregulated fracking, it should be said. Largely unregulated fracking that is definitely putting arsenic into the ground it happens to be drying out. Before you start acting horrified, though, consider: this is exactly what Texas’ mental-midget teabillies voted for.   Continue reading “Texas towns to be out of water due to fracking”

Harper-troopsGlobal Research – by Yves Engler

The Conservatives’ militarism is unrelenting.

Last month the Harper government launched a Civil Military Leadership Pilot Initiative at the University of Alberta. The program “allow[s] people to simultaneously obtain a university degree while also gaining leadership experience in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Reserves.” The four-year Civil Military Leadership Pilot Initiative will be “co-directed by the University of Alberta and the CAF” and the government hopes to export this “test model” to other universities.   Continue reading “Harper Promotes Canadian Militarism: Introducing University Undergraduates to a Form of Military Service on Campus”

sheepDaily Mail

Bestiality brothels are spreading through Germany faster than ever thanks to a law that makes animal porn illegal but sex with animals legal, a livestock protection officer has warned.

Madeleine Martin told the Frankfurter Rundschau that current laws were not protecting animals from predatory zoophiles who are increasingly able to turn to bestiality as a ‘lifestyle choice’.   Continue reading “In the ‘Judeo-Christian West’–Bestiality brothels are ‘spreading through Germany’ warns campaigner as abusers turn to sex with animals as ‘lifestyle choice’”

The Ugly Truth

A convicted child molester facing new charges of abusing a teenage boy asked a court to dismiss the case because he claimed he married his victim according to Jewish law.

Andrew Goodman, 28, was convicted in 2012 for several years of abuse of a boy who was just 12 years old when the crimes started. He was sentenced to two years in prison but in October 2012 additional charges surfaced because he once took his victim, at the time 15, across state lines to Atlantic City, the New York Daily News reported on Tuesday.   Continue reading “Child abuser claims he and teen victim had ‘Jewish wedding’ and therefore should not be charged with molestation”

Information Clearinghouse – by Jonathan Turley

While each new national-security power Washington has embraced was controversial when enacted, they are often discussed in isolation. But they don’t operate in isolation. They form a mosaic of powers under which our country could be considered, at least in part, authoritarian. Americans often proclaim our nation as a symbol of freedom to the world while dismissing nations such as Cuba and China as categorically unfree. Yet objectively, we may be only half right. Those countries do lack basic individual rights such as due process, placing them outside any reasonable definition of “free,” but the United States now has much more in common with such regimes than anyone may like to admit.   Continue reading “Ten Reasons the U.S. Is No Longer the Land of the Free”

Press TV

You’d think the exceptionally low minimum-wage – $7.25 an hour – would be the shame of a country like the United States that prides itself on its economic leadership. Half of minimum-wage jobs are held by adults over 25 years old, and asking adults to live on $7.25, or $14,500 a year, doesn’t leave them with enough to rent an apartment, commute to work, raise a child and participate in society in any meaningful way.   Continue reading “How low can you get: The minimum wage scam”

Flush Obama2Crockett Lives

As the Worst President In The History Of The Republic continues his wanton trampling over the laws and traditions of the American Way, strange rumblings are emanating from the lower 48.  Words not used in earnest political discourse since 1861 are heard once again, terms thought archaic a mere 10 years ago, an extinct vocabulary from the tumultuous past, words like “nullification” and “secession” and “revolution” –  and they’re being used not by hairy malcontents on rickety soapboxes, but by the elected governors and unhappy residents of the once sovereign states.  Why? Because today’s Jackasses are not like yer daddy’s Democrats, and Barack Obama is not like yer daddy’s presidents. Obama might be black on the outside; on the inside, he’s Red all over:   Continue reading “Flush Obama”

Charles KochPress TV

Scary because he claims “We don’t have the power to coerce anybody” while providing massive funding to organizations that attack public education, social programs, worker salaries, business regulations, and the environment.

Scary because he refers to himself with words like ‘integrity’ and ‘principles’ while saying “I want my fair share — and that’s all of it.”    Continue reading “8 reasons Charles Koch is the scariest man in America”

Press TV

Video-sharing site YouTube deactivated Press TV’s official page without explanation after the Israeli-American Anti-Defamation League (ADL) ordered it to terminate the Iranian channel’s live broadcast.

“We have not been able to upload new videos on our official YouTube page since July 25. Both YouTube and (its parent company) Google have declined to comment,” said Press TV Newsroom Director Hamid Reza Emadi.    Continue reading “ADL orders YouTube to disable Press TV account: Emadi”

A majority of Americans say oversight on NSA’s spying is inadequate.Press TV 

Results from a new poll have shown that the majority of American people believe oversight of the US National Security Agency’s surveillance is not adequate

According to a new HuffPost/YouGov poll conducted August 9-10, only 18 percent of Americans say that “federal courts and rules in place by Congress provide adequate oversight” of the spying programs run by the US government’s premier spy agency.   Continue reading “Poll: Americans says oversight of US spying is inadequate”

eVoting American

  1. The man started his presidency off with a bang by botching his oath of office.
  2. For good measure, he set the tone for his administration for allowing Chief Justice John Roberts to take the blame for the error.
  3. Obama promises on the campaign trail to immediately shut down Guantanamo Bay.  The detention facility is open three years later and counting.   Continue reading “The United States Constitution -vs- Barack Obama”

Hong Kong front pages 11 June 2013The Guardian – by Ai Weiwei

Even though we know governments do all kinds of things I was shocked by the information about the US surveillance operation, Prism. To me, it’s abusively using government powers to interfere in individuals’ privacy. This is an important moment for international society to reconsider and protect individual rights.

I lived in the United States for 12 years. This abuse of state power goes totally against my understanding of what it means to be a civilised society, and it will be shocking for me if American citizens allow this to continue. The US has a great tradition of individualism and privacy and has long been a centre for free thinking and creativity as a result.   Continue reading “NSA surveillance: the US is behaving like China”