Barack Obama’s Unfortunate New Movie

mad magazine the iditoical Barack Obama’s Unfortunate New Movie Idiotical Originals, Politics, MAD Posters, Barack Obama, Bowe Bergdahl, POW, Prisoners, Trades, Taliban, Afghanistan, War, Controversy, Chicken Marinated in Mop Water


Recently, President Obama exchanged five Taliban leaders for an American POW, Bowe Bergdahl. One prisoner for five is an iffy trade to begin with — but even moreso when it was revealed that Bergdahl had deserted his post. So, Obama got his man, but there was a lot of collateral damage — it kind of reminds us of a movie we once saw…

3 thoughts on “Barack Obama’s Unfortunate New Movie

  1. Damb…Hussein ( the insane ) looks right at home with his home away from home gang. The only difference between these 6 terrorist in this photo is the suit-tie and facial hair.
    Hussein the insane must go !!

  2. That’s hysterical. I didn’t know MAD magazine was still in business. I haven’t seen an issue in decades.

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