Biden To Eliminate ‘Testing Opt-Out’; Requires All Public Workers And Contractors To Get Vaccinated Or Get Fired

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

As resistance to President Biden’s booster-shot push grows, it appears the administration is – just as we expected – upping the pressure on federal workers who haven’t yet been vaccinated – while asking private businesses to do the same. According to CNN, the Biden Admin will no longer allow workers to get tested weekly instead of taking the vaccine. Instead, he’s signing an executive order Thursday requiring all workers to get the vaccine or face indefinite suspension.

What’s more, Biden’s order will extend to employees of government contractors. Per CNN, the same standard will be extended to employees of contractors who do business with the federal government. The Department of Defense, the Department of Veterans Affairs, Indian Health Service and National Institute of Health will also complete their previously announced vaccination requirements, which the White House believes has covered 2.5MM people.

This marks a significant escalation since earlier in the summer, when Biden unveiled a requirement that federal workers be vaccinated, but allowed for those who opted out to be subject to stringent mitigation measures like weekly tests.

But mostly the White House is relying on private industry to impose and enforce its vaccine requirements. But Biden also believes the White House has a responsibility to set an example.

We have one quick question though… What will the unions do?

They have already pushed back (here, here, and here) against various mandates (and Dem leadership need all the support they can get as Biden’s approval plummets).

And then there is Portland, whose city officials are preparing to exempt the police force from the “now legally dubious” vaccine mandates.

The president also plans to announce a major expansion to free testing, a step public health officials have said would be critical to containing the virus, particularly as children return to school and more workers return to the office. Plus, it would, in theory, combat claims that the administration didn’t make the vaccine “accessible” enough.

Thursday will impose more stringent vaccine rules on federal workers, and take steps to encourage private businesses to do the same, during a major speech meant to lay out a new approach to combating the coronavirus.

Biden will talk about all this and more tonight, when he unveils his plans to stop the delta variant.

3 thoughts on “Biden To Eliminate ‘Testing Opt-Out’; Requires All Public Workers And Contractors To Get Vaccinated Or Get Fired

  1. EO’s arnt laws
    and you cant make a law to make anyone do this so STFU old man

    Nuremburg is calling … pick up the phone, Joe

  2. Gee I thought White House employees didn’t have to get the vaxx…. What a crock! What’re ya gonna do Creepy Joe, send MS-13 (those thugs you’re allowing across the boder) or the Taliban (those thugs airlines are bringing overfrom Afghanistan) or what satanic garbage you’re hauling here to communize the USA, to forcibly “vaccinate” the 200 or so million or whatever that have not been GMO’ed yet? Ever hear of mountain lions? Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!

  3. Since we already have 95% more federal workers than we need isn’t this a good thing ? Maybe it will spur independent businesses ? Self employed for 25 years, I work by my rules not yours.


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