Bill Gates: “Phase 2 Is A Bio Terror Attack”

Apr 26, 2020

For generations the public has been controlled through fear. The progression of perceived enemies has evolved over time.

We were once told our enemies were nation states and we had to duck and cover because the enemy could strike with great devastation at a moments notice.

While this outside threat, used to instill fear and bolster the military industrial complex was very effective, this enemy could only last so long and was merely a stepping stone.

The fear of an outside threat later evolved into terrorists who had no borders, this justified military expansionism globally.

We were told They hate us because were free, gradually we became less free as the government has erected a police state and a surveillance state to protect us from the very terror threat they created.

Now we are told our enemy is invisible yet everywhere, we are told our way of life will never be the same much like we heard in the aftermath of 9/11, and boy were the right!

The public has been conditioned to live in a constant state of fear, we have been conditioned to rely on the government as our only solution for safety.

This is a solution we have been warned about for hundreds of years. Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.

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3 thoughts on “Bill Gates: “Phase 2 Is A Bio Terror Attack”

    1. Yep a hard on….psychopaths are like that. (In fact as with a psycho I actually knew who ‘led’ a ‘secession’ movement that was bogus, there is an excellent chance BG’s sex life is mostly getting hard ons and then masturbating at thoughts like wiping out humanity…mostly, since he did have some children…maybe…Or perhaps ‘popping’ Fauci… Bwahahahahah!)

  1. Why should anyone give a sh*t what BG thinks, aside from he has enough money to bribe damn near anyone who can’t think for themselves or won’t. But that doesn’t change the fact that no one voted for the self-important dick for any office so his opinion shouldn’t carry anymore weight than Don Lemon. Speak when spoken to Dilbert. Dilberts.

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