British Defense Secretary Michael Fallon and U.S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis News Conference

Published on Mar 31, 2017 by PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP NEWS & LIVE SPEECH 2017

British Defense Secretary Michael Fallon and U.S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis hold a news conference after meeting for talks in London. Britain and U.S. tell NATO allies to ‘raise their game’ on defence spending

3 thoughts on “British Defense Secretary Michael Fallon and U.S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis News Conference

  1. Those damned Ruskies, “mucking around” in Crimea. Apparently, “mucking around” is banned by International law. Yup, there it is, sub-section C, line 131, “no mucking around.” LOL! 😆

  2. I made through 12 minutes of these muck heads(who incidentally make me sick)
    Both require intense tightening of their blue leashes, and Mattis’s eyes look as if he is not of good health.

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