California Bill Would Make Climate Change Skepticism CRIMINAL

Red State – by Leon H. Wolf

A bill is working its way through the California assembly that would allow local prosecutors to bring criminal charges under the State’s Unfair Competition Law (UCL) for expressing skepticism or denial of man made climate change. Seriously.

Now this is not one of those situations where some random crazy assemblyman proposes a bill that goes nowhere. Nor is this an offhand comment by Loretta Lynch. This bill has made it through committee and is scheduled for floor action on Thursday. This is a bill that has a real chance of becoming law.  

The measure would allow state and local prosecutors to pursue claims against climate-change skepticism as a violation of the state’s Unfair Competition Law [UCL], as well as extend the four-year statute of limitations for such claims retroactively to Jan. 1, 2021.

“This bill explicitly authorizes district attorneys and the Attorney General to pursue UCL claims alleging that a business or organization has directly or indirectly engaged in unfair competition with respect to scientific evidence regarding the existence, extent, or current or future impacts of anthropogenic induced climate change,” says the state Senate Rules Committee’s floor analysis.

This bill is a direct frontal assault on the very principle of free democracy. It is also, I should note, in blatant violation of the First Amendment, and you would hope that in a sane era, the Federal judiciary would put a swift and immediate end to this bill after it becomes law and before it is enforced.

But liberals are increasingly intolerant of dissent of their worldview and openly willing to use the coercive power of the state to achieve the end of debate. Liberal judges, in particular, are and have always been willing to look the other way and tread on longstanding precedent and the rule of law itself when doing so suits their political predilections.

We could truly be entering a dark era in America.

6 thoughts on “California Bill Would Make Climate Change Skepticism CRIMINAL


  2. The thought police are closing in.

    Soon it will be illegal to discuss guns, too.

    There will be no end to tyrannical encroachments upon what little freedom we have left until the American people rebel.

    Unfortunately, the American people have been hopelessly brainwashed by the Jew-TV, and aren’t even psychologically equipped to handle reality.

  3. Political correctness Hahaha! Your joo asses spray my sky, pollute my soil, contaminate my water, and you want me to buck up and accept it? No, no, no and no. The only criminal offense here, is that you’re allowed to breathe the same air as I.

    Good people of California , leave while you can, because that state deserves to fall into the ocean out of pure ignorance.

  4. Skepticism concerning the government is now also a crime.
    Incremental totalitarian slavery is what we are witnessing here.
    I guess you could call it the slow but progressive frog boil in the pot.

    1. I dunno flee, I would have to argue and say the frogs are way past boiling. We were slow cooking for so long that jumping out of the boiling pot and into the frying pan is history. We only have one option.

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