Jun 30, 2020
CBS, leader in shame brought upon journalism since the 60’s, does it once again by working as more of a beta CIA-cuck toy by taking what is as always a remarkable, groundbreaking and beyond truthful and informative interview with Dr. Judy Mikovits, and shelving it like they’ve shelved things since CBS Dallas & the JFK assassination. Not on my watch, you pathetic hive of trash. What’s that another CBS news update? Social climb is on the rise!
Of course this could never be allowed to hit the airwaves of msm
And at one time I wanted to be a mainstream journalist…. Honestly I do not know how these folks can look themselves in the mirror…and do they even have mirrors? Just “following orders” I suppose…. Where have I heard that before? Bwahahahahahahahahahah! Or it’s just the “cancel culture” they are in? I “canceled” the MSM a long time ago.