Chelsea Clinton Says Her Mom Hillary Should Be President for “Symbolic Reasons”

chelseaclintonThe Daily Sheeple – by Melissa Melton

Because, you know, nothing really matters anyway and, of all things, symbolic gestures are the key factor in the presidency of the United States (not shadow government choices that are already made well before the fake election process every four years).

Via Twitchy:

She’s not simply rooting for her mother, though; Chelsea told ELLE that the election of a woman as president is important for symbolic reasons:

… when you ask about the importance of having a woman president, absolutely it’s important, for, yes, symbolic reasons — symbols are important; it is important who and what we choose to elevate, and to celebrate. And one of our core values in this country is that we are the land of equal opportunity, but when equal hasn’t yet included gender, there is a fundamental challenge there that, I believe, having our first woman president — whenever that is— will help resolve.

So because she’s a woman, we must “elevate” and “celebrate” her…by making her president??? How… dumb.

And because it’s all just a dog and pony show anyway, other answers the Establishment would have accepted from Chelsea included, “Because that’s the call Bilderberg made back in 2008 when Hillary suddenly decided to hold her tongue on releasing all that devastating Obama info she had tucked away, and bide her time waiting her turn to kick America while it’s already dead,” or “Because she has a vagina,” (oh wait, she basically already said that) or simply, “Hillary…blah blah…because reasons.”

(read responses to Chelsea on Twitter at Twitchy)

In other news, Hillary’s camp plans to raise “an insane amount of money,” apparently from insane people who would pay it to see an insane person become president.

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Contributed by Melissa Melton of The Daily Sheeple.

Melissa Melton is a writer, researcher, and analyst for The Daily Sheeple and a co-creator of Truthstream Media with Aaron Dykes, a site that offers teleprompter-free, unscripted analysis of The Matrix we find ourselves living in. Melissa also co-founded Nutritional Anarchy with Daisy Luther of The Organic Prepper, a site focused on resistance through food self-sufficiency. Wake the flock up!

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15 thoughts on “Chelsea Clinton Says Her Mom Hillary Should Be President for “Symbolic Reasons”

  1. i no longer register or vote. i have no confidence in the process, the actors, the system of the present illegitimate government, and there is no option for none of the above. i endorse, and we should all endorse Hillary Clinton and all of her pig ilk. by doing so we allow them to move their agenda at a faster pace. we all know that war is the only way we can get our country on the right track. the pigs must take the most drastic action first, and we must let them. embrace the suck for now, have no fear, we know what we must do, the polka band is warming up. glory!

  2. speaking as a woman, I don’t give a crap whether or not a president is male or female! We need a president who will support this country as it was meant to be. This girl is just as nuts as her mother!

    1. Great point Jean.
      This “tactic” was also one of the lies that got Obama elected. That we NEEDED to prove that (symbolically) America was not racist, and that we MUST elect the first black man.
      Turns out, we found out who the true racist was and still is.
      But let’s face it, no matter WHO gets elected, it’s “business as usual”. But Chelsea shows us all…. just how out-of-touch these slime-balls are ….with reality.

  3. Here’s something symbolic for you, That bitch swinging from the end of a rope. That symbolic enough for you?

  4. Now they’re grasping at straws to come up with some reason, any reason, to put that wench in the White House.

    And what exactly does Hillary symbolize other than crime, tyranny, murder, and corruption? Ah… that’s right. She’s a symbol of sexual freedom, and that’s why no one actually knows who Chelsea’s father is.

    Shut your pie-hole, you ugly little brat.

  5. What kind of devil lives behind those eyes, huh? Wow!

    Her mom ought to be tried for treason and hanged – for symbolic reasons.

    Disgusting wretches paraded before us on a daily basis. Traitors and degenerates, all.

  6. I have nothing to add, you have all stated everything that I was thinking.

    America does not need a murderous psycho bitch for president!

    Pardon my French…

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