Children injured and dozens suffer teargas inhalation as IOF attack weekly protests across West Bank


The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Friday 11 March, attacked the weekly nonviolent protest against the apartheid Wall and the illegal Israeli settlements, in Bil’in village, west of Ramallah, and the weekly nonviolent protest in Al-Nabi Saleh village, causing dozens to suffer the effects of tear gas inhalation on both demonstrations.

In Bil’in village, the weekly nonviolent protest started from the center of the village, when locals and international peace activists marched towards the villagers’ orchards.  

12801511_1336882773020806_5019690088528527087_nThey chanted for the liberation of Palestine by ending the illegal Israeli occupation.

The Popular Committee against the Wall and Settlements in Bil’in reported that the Israeli soldiers fired many gas bombs and rubber-coated steel bullets at the protesters. Many suffered the effects of tear gas inhalation.

Abdullah Abu Rahma, coordinator PSCC speaking to a local media press, denounced the Israeli invasion and damage of Palestine News Agency, in Ramallah, furthermore the military order to shut it down.

Abu Rahma added that such violations aim at silencing Palestinians media agencies and journalists in an attempt to stop them from exposing Israel’s crimes and violations against the Palestinian population.

In February this year, Bil’in village celebrated the 11th anniversary of ongoing popular, nonviolent struggle against the construction of the illegal apartheid wall, illegal settlements and the escalating Israeli violations against the Palestinian population.

12832545_1115011141909119_5107815608409446222_nIn Al-Nabi Saleh village, during the weekly nonviolent protest against the apartheid wall and the illegal Israeli settlements, Israeli soldiers shot and injured two Palestinian children besides firing tear gas bombs at the protesters, causing dozens of them to suffer the effects of tear gas inhalation.

According to local medical sources, the Israeli soldiers shot Mohammad Naji Tamimi, 9, with a gas bomb on his abdomen. He was quickly moved to a local hospital.

In addition to Mohammad, another child was shot with a rubber-coated-steel bullet on his cheek, which caused a large wound. He was also quickly moved to a local hospital for treatment – until now his identity remained unknown.

On the International Women’s Day, 8th of March, the IOF have kidnapped iconic activist against the apartheid wall and the illegal Israeli settlements, and mother of six, Manal Tamimi (43) from her home in Al-Nabi Saleh.

On Wednesday afternoon, the Israeli military court of Ofer has decided to keep the activist Tamimi detained until today, 11 March 2016. However, she was released on Thursday night under conditions and a $1,000 fine.

Charges against her included “threatening an Israeli policeman on Facebook” and attacking another on 30 October 2015.

Furthermore, the IOF also attacked Palestinians who were protesting in Bethlehem.

The protest was held in one of Bethlehem’s main street, near Rachel’s Tomb, north of the city, where the IOF have a military base.

The Israeli soldiers fired tons of tear gas and rubber-coated metal bullets against the protesters, trying to suppress the protest.

In addition, one Palestinian Red Crescent paramedic was shot with a rubber-coated-steel bullet on his shoulder when the IOF targeted the ambulance he was driving while helping the protesters who were injured.

The bullets smashed through the lateral window of the ambulance, breaking it for complete, injuring the paramedic.

Last week, on 4 March, two Palestinian Red Crescent paramedics suffered from excessive tear gas inhalation when the IOF fired a tear gas canister at their ambulance.

Muhammad Awad, who heads the Palestinian Red Crescent’s ambulance and emergencies department, stated that the IOF targeted the ambulance while its emergency crew was aiding injured youths.

The tear gas canister smashed through the front window of the ambulance, causing two of its crew to suffer excessive tear gas inhalation. They were identified as Ayman Dababseh and Fadi Jaafreh.

3 thoughts on “Children injured and dozens suffer teargas inhalation as IOF attack weekly protests across West Bank

  1. We go now live from Israel with our CIA operative, er I mean reporter Jimmy Twoface. What can you tell us Jimmy?
    Thaaaanks Barb. This is all perfectly understandable. I mean, Those poor Israeli’s were just defending themselves from those peaceful but horribly vicious Palestinian children.
    An Israeli spokesman claimed “oh, those peaceful children are scary, oy veh!” and then proceeded to ejaculate into his yarmulke while staring at pictures of dead babies.
    Rabbi Schmuli Sh!tface had this to say, “Look, never mind the fact that we Jews aren’t even supposed to be here. We had to gas those kids because they are evil. And those ambulances are really mobile missile launching platforms. Oy!”
    The Rabbi then tried to cut this reporters private area with a weird pair of scissors and got jacked in the jaw for his efforts. Unfortunately, the IDF would not let us keep our video footage.
    Back to you Barbi Bullsh!t at the newscenter.

  2. “Abu Rahma added that such violations aim at silencing Palestinians media agencies and journalists in an attempt to stop them from exposing Israel’s crimes and violations against the Palestinian population.”

    It’s not working. Israhell’s crimes are so blatant even many of the stupid people are figuring it out.

    Damn shame those Palestinians aren’t as well-armed as Americans.

    1. *** Damn shame those Palestinians aren’t as well-armed as Americans. ***

      No kidding. And it’s disgusting how so many Americans, especially “conservatives,” support the Israelis over the Palestinians.

      You’d think US gun owners in particular, with their heritage of rebellion against oppression, would sympathize with another population that’s struggling against a savage, merciless oppressor. But no — Americans always want to side with the powerful bully rather than the underdog.

      When mass confiscation of guns starts, it will be interesting to see how many full-grown American men, with all their fancy weaponry, display the heart and balls of a typical Palestinian teenager who’s armed only with rocks.

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