CNN assigns veteran reporter to cover nothing but Mass Shootings

Before It’s News – by Markosun\’s Blog

The San Bernardino shooting is the second mass shooting today and the 355th this year

With yet another murder and shooting calamity occurring today in San Bernardino, California, CNN has decided to assign a reporter full-time to cover nothing but mass shootings. There is almost a mass shooting everyday in the United States.  CNN wants to bring these stories to the forefront, and hopefully increase ratings.  

Veteran reporter Joe Johns will take on the new role.  Johns has been a White House correspondent for the network for the past several years. Joe has covered everything from the Turkey Amnesty Thanksgiving White House event, to scooping a story on the successful potty training of Bo the White House dog. Johns was a star discus thrower at West High School in Columbus, Ohio.


Joe is thrilled with his new assignment. He will be rushed to the scene of the next mass shooting by helicopter and rappelled right into the middle of the frenzy.  His athletic ability will come in handy in this respect.

Joe and his cameraman practicing


The San Bernardino shooting is the 355th mass shooting this year, according to a mass shooting tracker maintained by the Guns Are Cool subreddit. The Reddit tracker defines mass shootings as incidents in which four or more people, including the gunman, are killed or injured by gunfire.

The Mass Shooting Tracker is different from other shooting databases in that it uses a broader definition of mass shooting — the old FBI definition focused on four or more people killed as part of a single shooting.

It would be also be the second mass shooting just today — in the early morning hours, one person was killed and three were injured in an incident in Savannah, Georgia.

Speaking after the Colorado Springs shooting last week, President Obama urged Americans to not let this type of violence “become normal.” But the data show that this type of incident already is normal. There have been more mass shootings than calendar days so far this year.

This chart shows how many mass shootings occurred every day this year. By mass shooting this data means 4 or more people were either killed or wounded.


4 thoughts on “CNN assigns veteran reporter to cover nothing but Mass Shootings

  1. The CNN coverage isn’t surprising. They’re Zionist scum, and pushing the NWO agenda is what they do.

    As far as the numbers are concerned, they’re not telling you anything with any degree of accuracy the way they’re reported. Even if the numbers are true, they’re only showing a slice rather than the entire pie.

    Look at it as a fraction: 355 / 320,000,000 is absolutely nothing.
    (that’s 355 “mass shooters” out of 320 million people)

    It amounts to a speck of dust in a landfill. One blade of grass on a golf course. A spit in the ocean.

    It certainly does NOT indicate that there’s any significant gun problem in this country at all, and when we look at the big picture regarding gun ownership rather than people, we see a paltry 355 shootings committed by a half-billion guns. That’s absolutely nothing.

    ALL the numbers reported on “gun violence” are ALWAYS skewed this way, and using statistics in this fashion is nothing more than another way to lie.

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