Congressman Fears Obama Could Suspend Election Laws

Infowars – by Paul Joseph Watson

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) fears that the Obama administration’s refusal to enforce immigration laws could lead to Obama himself failing to enforce election laws, a concern voiced amidst calls by some for Obama to run for a third term in office.

During a House Judiciary Committee hearing yesterday, Gowdy asked Simon Lazarus, senior counsel to the Constitutional Accountability Center, “If the president can fail to enforce immigration laws, can the president likewise fail to enforce election laws?”  

Lazarus responded “no,” to which Gowdy shot back, “Why not? If he can suspend mandatory minimum and immigration laws, why not election laws?”

“Because we live in a government of laws, and the president is bound to obey them and apply them,” Lazarus answered. Gowdy responded by reiterating that Obama was not applying immigration and marijuana laws, a stance with which Lazarus disagreed.

Gowdy subsequently asked George Washington University Law School Professor Jonathan Turley what the likelihood of the administration suspending election laws was, to which Turley responded, “I think that some of these areas I can’t imagine to be justified through prosecutorial discretion. It’s not prosecutorial discretion to go into a law and say, an entire category of people will no longer be subject to the law. That’s a legislative decision.”

Turley added that the country was currently embroiled in “the most serious constitutional crisis in my lifetime” and that Congress was becoming increasingly irrelevant.

Concern about the Obama administration’s failure to enforce election laws arrives in the aftermath of a Washington Post editorial by Jonathan Zimmerman, a professor of history and education at New York University, which caused controversy by advocating that Obama run for a third term in order to avoid being made a scapegoat by critics within his own party.

Despite acknowledging Obama’s record low approval ratings, Zimmerman asked, “If Obama could run again, would he be facing such fervent objections from Sens. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Robert Menendez (D-N.J.)?”

“Probably not. Democratic lawmakers would worry about provoking the wrath of a president who could be reelected. Thanks to term limits, though, they’ve got little to fear,” he added.

Under the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution, a President is limited to two terms in office.

Zimmerman’s argument caused understandable consternation amongst conservatives, some of whom expressed the fear (which is somewhat routine when any president is coming to the end of his term), that the stage was being set for some kind of engineered crisis that would be exploited to justify a third term for Obama.

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Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for and Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.

7 thoughts on “Congressman Fears Obama Could Suspend Election Laws

  1. So, the illegal alien/CIA creation wants a third term?!? Let him try! That could very well be the spark needed to ignite the fire that will purge this nation and restore the republic!

  2. How many lies are within this story?? How many laws has Obama already by-passed?? Why do these Politicians pretend to be for us…the people, when it’s been proven, time and time again, that they are against us just as Obama is against Americans. These scum-bags voted for the Patriot Act….TWICE. These scum-bags voted for Obamacare. These scum-bags vote for raises for themselves, but not for the average American (new laws now give these people automatic raises).
    My point here is that you need to stop listening to the rhetoric and pay close attention to their voting, for the way they vote reveals their true intentions. This story is out there preparing people for a third Obama term, if America can last that long.
    I’ll NEVER give my allegience to a man who wears a ring that says, in Arabic, “The only god is allah.”

  3. The creatures in congress would welcome their leader
    for as many terms as they could have him.
    The False, “Left / Right” paradigm is just that, FALSE.
    We all know it ….The blatant fact that they’re passing
    so called “laws”, (which are really illegal decrees),
    and allowing special groups the opportunity to opt out.
    This is plain and simple, “TYRANNY !”
    Just like the Catholic church, in the dark ages, handing
    out indulgences……These creatures WILL find out what
    piano wire was really made for ……real soon.

  4. “Lazarus responded “no,” to which Gowdy shot back, “Why not? If he can suspend mandatory minimum and immigration laws, why not election laws?”

    “Because we live in a government of laws, and the president is bound to obey them and apply them,” Lazarus answered.”


    Hey Lazarus, need a bigger shovel? Don’t expect to be raised from the dead, either, as no one is coming to save your ass in the FEMA camps. God help you because you’re gonna need a miracle to save yourself from your own stupidity.

    Wow! How he can even say that with a straight face and not roll over the chair laughing his ass off and saying, “I’m sorry, really. I don’t know where that laugh came from. Please continue” is beyond me.

    I think even a sociopath would be shocked and amazed at it and a sociopath lies for a living.

    Lazarus, you just admitted that he doesn’t follow laws and then in the next sentence, you say our government follows laws. WTF???

    Oh man, I gotta stop. I have a headache. I can’t think straight. His logic is just much too mind-boggling for me.

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