Cop Prevents Animal Rescue, Shoots, Threatens Arrest

Activist Post – by Heather Callaghan

What is with the fresh round of stories about law enforcement (enjoying?) shooting animals? Animals who might not be that injured. Animals shot in front of families. Animals shot for no reason but the thrill of the kill? But then imagine afterward, you being the one who might be under arrest – and getting your car impounded!

When other countries are emulating the exact same actions, that’s a sorry sign.  

A few days ago in Chelsea, Quebec, Greg Searle was driving down a highway and witnessed a fawn hit by a vehicle. He carried it to the roadside. While unable or unwilling to walk with hind legs, there were no signs of injury accept a couple of scratches, as you can see from the actual photo above.

Searle checked to see if there might be internal injuries and called his wife, Samantha, who has experience with animals and helping with law enforcement – she took her young daughter. His intent was to get rescuers since he could tell it would not soon die – it could keep living with some attention.

The actual driver who hit the fawn was also at the scene and helped make calls for animal help. It sounds like there were other bystanders at the scene. That’s when Officer Roy came to the “rescue.”

He pulled up and without hesitation insisted it was his job to shoot the fawn. The whole Searle family and bystanders pleaded with him – it might not be dying – and pleaded to be able to take it for medical treatment. Greg had a rescue plan and offered to take care of all of it – they had reached some veterinarian help. But to no avail…

“You need to move aside so I can end its suffering,” said the brave officer.

That’s when Samantha got vocal and tried harder to reason while standing over the deer:

How can you be sure it’s going to die? Are you a vet?


Even if it’s your job to end it’s suffering, you have the discretion to give us some time to try to find someone qualified to help it first. I worked as a civilian with the police for two years, and did plenty of ride-alongs, and I know other cops who wouldn’t rush this.

Officer Roy was adamant repeatedly told her to move aside and repeated that it was his job. This is when he made repeated threats to arrest her, emphasizing that she would have a criminal record several times.

If you don’t move, you will end up with a criminal record.

The daughter began crying and hugging her father’s legs while Roy called in for backup. He told Samantha this was her final warning. Greg had Samantha take their daughter home so she wouldn’t have to witness what happened next, which is where the photo leaves off. Greg has had to put animals out of misery, but “couldn’t understand the officer’s haste and inflexibility.”

Passing back over the scene a few minutes later, Officer Roy followed Greg and pulled over his pick-up truck that had been given to him recently by his father. The plates were one day expired. Greg offered to make other arrangements for driving but again to no avail. The officer confiscated the keys and impounded the truck, now still locked away.

Metronews Canada reports:

The force’s spokesman Martin Fournel said the officer couldn’t legally allow Searle and Biron to drive off with the animal. Fournel told the paper police are empowered to end an animal’s suffering and the constable made a judgment call. Fournel also told the Low Down the impounding of Searle’s vehicle was simply the officer doing his job.

Searle contacted other agencies and wildlife outreaches. It doesn’t appear that the officer had to do that and was taking a suggestion to euthanize to the extreme. Greg believes if local shelters had more support they could help prevent shootings. But this is not why the officer “took the shortcut” and put the deer down – help already could have been easily provided.

There are people in law enforcement who are called heroes for saving injured animals. You can see stories like that for a change on Real Men Are Kind to Animals. Wouldn’t you think Internet heroism would encourage better behavior? A lot of them don’t seem to mind being high-profile animal killers.

Searle’s petition: Improve police protocol for handling injured wildlife & citizens assisting

See his crowdshare fund to help wildlife rescues to reach animals before they get shot

Heather Callaghan is a natural health blogger and food freedom activist. You can see her work at and Like at Facebook.

21 thoughts on “Cop Prevents Animal Rescue, Shoots, Threatens Arrest

  1. The revelation if and when one gets it is, respect for life is the bass for living a life…that applies to each one of us…no matter, sex, race, education, age,
    cops that don’t get it
    should be fired.
    There will be no appeals either…
    You are gone…………..

  2. respect for life is the basis for living a life……….
    This story indicates the opposite of this cop…
    he should be fired…………..go home.
    No appeals either…

    1. the web site was experiencing a problem with hackers is why
      these two comments are nearly the same….
      i tried the second…and both times the page said …could not connect…so readers get a duplicity here………sorry
      Wow then all of a sudden……..both show up……….
      wish I were a hacker myself……….not the case…
      i do well just to keep this machine tuned and operating………

      1. Not so sure that it is this web site, rbeason, because I have been haveing nothing but PC troubles myself since friday morning – I even got shut down all friday morning. Yes I know a few others that have been having problems with their computers – they have different internet providers also. Yea we couldn`t even get on line fri morn. and ever since the PC isn`t running like it should yet even. I think it is NSA snoops doing it to us all, and not only to FTTWR.

          1. Yes Angel, my internet provider tech support also said that they have been haveing problems too and he said that he thought that NSA has more to do with these problems than they are saying when I asked him what he thought about NSA snoops. He asked me to go to a site to show that I was up and running again and so I put up FTTWR and the tech support guy almost choked on it – ya see he likes and is also a follower of FTTWR. 🙂 . I thought that was perty cool…… Oh Yea, by the way guys, somebody got into my PC and disabled my firewall and even disabled my Kaspersky anti-virus a few weeks ago. I found that out by a Kaspersky pop up telling me that my anti-virus was turned off, I then checked my firewall and that is how I found out they turned off my firewall. Anti-virus had a pop up to tell me- the firewall did not let me know that it was turned off. It might be a good idea to make sure your firewall is still activated ya know.

          2. I don’t use a firewall…or any anti spy stuff…i do that cleaning manually…always have with the help of a couple of small programs that are some years old…….
            i agree probably not the site itself….
            I don’t have facebook, twitter and any of the rest…never have so my foot print on the web is very small when I go unto google, which i refuse to use, and enter my name I get nothing….
            am sure nsa knows who i am, my whole history. and so forth………I don’t give a f#@k……
            the dam is leaking in DC….and it will break………..Ya Hoo…………………..oh my looks like we got us a convoy,.I sent that song to henry……….so see if he posts it……….

  3. Well boys and girls, from where I’m standing it’s looking like America isn’t going to wake up. Oh sure, a few of us are awake, but by and large – we’re it.

    Absolute tyranny dead ahead.

    1. Not so
      don’t give the bastards the delight of having planted into your brain
      the absolute tyranny ahead……thats their wish……..for you
      We are in deep do do
      does not mean we are lost.
      Fact is ……….when its done
      they are the ones that are lost.
      you are capable of changing your mind any time you wish…..
      that belongs to you……..not them……..

        1. ???

          My reply was to SCV Tennessean, being that he said it’s looking like America isn’t going to wake up.

          Given that this incident took place in Canada, I failed to see the relevance of that statement.

    2. The most successful propaganda that our communist enemies have been able to get over on us is that which is designed to make us think we are all alone. Tight angle camera shots and selective interviews have facilitated the illusion.
      Usually I get mad at somebody who comes on our site and says things like this.
      Never forget Tokyo Rose. “You have already lost” “Your forces are surrendering left and right to the forces of the empire.”
      We the American nationals are the vast majority as is proven every time there is an indicator other than the enemies’ propaganda machine: The gun and ammunition sales that proved that 90% of us were not for gun control. And most recently the overwhelming attacks on our so called representatives that have thus far shut down the Zionists’ attempt to start World War III.
      Stop believing the enemies’ propaganda. When this thing breaks loose it is going to be like moose season. A thousand hunters for every moose and the majority will come home disappointed because they didn’t get one.

          1. The “didn’t see that one coming” was a reply in reference to Henry’s reply to SCV Tennessean, rbeason.

            I think you’re getting the reply recipient comments confused. LOL

          2. hey
            i’ll admit it
            maybe I am just confused

            Well a uh uh ……..
            something i invented
            think i got it out of music in the 50’s
            an 80’s analogy might be
            whams………jitterbug/wake me up before you go go
            its an impression that just sticks with you…………………..wella uh..uh..
            fact wham’s song on youtube isworth a visit,,,,,,,,gets the whole picture back in focus.,

      1. Ten-four guys. I read you. Everyone has their times of despair and discouragement – I’ve been in that mood lately. But you’re absolutely right; they “win” if we develop a defeatist mindset, no doubt about it.

        And apologies – I would have bet money this incident took place in Ohio. I did read the article, so where I got “Ohio” is anyones guess. (/laughs at self)

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