9 thoughts on “Cop Shoots Groom Dead

  1. The American Nationals have had enough of these pansy gestapo bastards murdering people. This particular “officer” took things way too far, found out that he’s not such a tough guy after all, then decided to end a life. Soon cops are going to find out that the public is fearful for their lives and will start sending these thugs back to the fourth dimension of Hell they came from.

  2. My brother told me about this and after watching I couldn’t believe it. Running the guy down when all he did was push was taxi driver around for being a smart guy. The OFF DUTY cop knees him in the head after he asks the OFF DUTY cop to be nice. The OFF DUTY cop refuses to treat him like a human so he turns the tables and pins the cop down and starts hitting him on the head. OFF DUTY cops pride is hurt and decides to shoot the guy HE RAN DOWN AFTER THE INCIDENT WAS OVER AND THE MAN WAS WALKING AWAY!!!! The wife’s comments at the end should be an alarm to people.

  3. names, numbers and addresses

    this will not stop until we stop it, your loved one is next, not could be..will be

      1. Sorry about that, I meant Nigga’s. No Disrespect to my Colored Cousins Fighting for Freedom, we are all in this together!

        1. Used to listen to nothing but rap (back when it was actually ‘good’, as far as rap goes) back in the mid to late 90s. Had every cd Tupac put out, as well as quite a few by a good number of other artists. My black friends were actually jealous of my collection.
          Anyway, they schooled me early on about the difference between the two.

  4. Great footage.

    Suggestion to the population for the future. For got sake you see some man being attacked by one of these uniformed terrorists do your contry a favor and lend a fist or two?

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