Court Decision Could Force Iran Off Internet

press tvVeterans Today – by Dr Stuart Jeanne Bramhall

Goodbye Press TV

The Times of Israel reports that on June 24, 2014 a US District Court awarded American and Israeli terror victims the .ir domain, along with all of Iran’s IP addresses.

According to the plaintiffs’ attorney, Iran could find itself kicked off the Internet by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Addresses (ICANN), a Los Angeles based organization that manages web domains and IP addresses.  

The court ruled that .ir domain names and IP addresses were seizable assets in the satisfaction of more than a billion dollars in judgements Iran owes US and Israeli victims. The judgements relate to “terrorist” acts committed by Hamas, Hezbollah and other so-called terrorist groups allegedly backed by Iran.

Like other countries, Iran pays fees to ICANN to license its Internet assets. Based on Tuesday’s ruling, these fees, along with the assets themselves, could be used to satisfy the Iranian debt to the plaintiffs. Covered by the judgement are all the “top-level domain” (TLD) names provided by ICANN to Iran, including the .IR TLD, the Persian-language ایران TLD, and all Internet Protocol (IP) addresses being utilized by the Iranian government and its agencies.

Read more here

3 thoughts on “Court Decision Could Force Iran Off Internet

  1. Absolutely. And it gets even worse.
    Following the “read more here” (Times of Israel) and Veterans Today links: At VT the article is the same, but the comments are closed! (seriously, VT?)
    The Times of Israel article identifies the plaintiffs’ attorney as “…Nitsana Darshan-Leitner of the Shurat Hadin Law Center…” and quotes her: “We’ve been able to seize numerous Iranian assets to satisfy these judgments,” Darshan-Leitner told The Times of Israel. “Last year, for example, we were awarded a building on New York’s Fifth Avenue, and we have a case pending for seizure of an Iranian government-owned art collection at the University of Chicago.”
    About that building on Fifth Ave. Two items.

    “They intend to hand over the bulk of any proceeds derived from the forfeiture to relatives of people who died in Iran-aided terror attacks, including 9/11 and the 1993 bombing of Marine Corps barracks in Beirut.”

    April 2, 2014: Terrorism victims are celebrating a concrete victory in their decades-long quest to hold Iran accountable for its role in the 9/11 attacks and other horrific incidents. They won the right last week to seize a $500 million Midtown office tower linked to Iran and are near a deal with the feds to distribute the assets of the property, lawyers said. “This is about all the families,” said Fiona Havlish, whose husband, Donald Havlish, was killed in the World Trade Center on 9/11.

    Get it? Court rulings favoring Israeli plaintiffs and blaming Iran for 9/11 and the Beirut bombings, both widely regarded as Mossad operations. Chutzpah doesn’t even come close to describing this monstrosity.
    And, depending on how the domain name judgment is implemented,
    Israelis can sue your digital assets off.

    I know Jim Stone is controversial, but he says he attended synagogue as a young man and knows what goes on when no outsiders are around. For what it’s worth, here’s part of his take:
    “You cannot have a stable world which is so web dependent being subjected to bogus judgements such as this. Into the mix as part of the settlement was the enforced factthat Iran did 911 and now has to pay reparations. Yet obviously no mention of Urban Moving systems was made, and the fact that Larry Silverstein himself had explosives planted in building 7 to bring it down, and himself gave the order to do so. The fact that Iran was judged responsible for 911 proves corruption at the highest levels of the American government, where Kikedom is living an orgy of deception and injustice. Now either the Jewish community or Israel can attack anyone they want, blame someone else, and then destroy whoever they blamed in the court system. It cannot get any worse than this.

  2. Not all Jews are bad, but those that are, are very…. This news is beyond belief and shows just how bad things have become.

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