17 thoughts on “Damn Bastards!!

  1. Katie..yes. After a couple of tries I gave up. I don’t like to have to struggle to bring up stories. I also hate having repeated instructions to reload or stop scripts. Drives me nuts. I’m not noted for my patience with machines.

    1. Well Katie, a few years Ago my friend called the EPA, FAA, the local news and they said they did not know anything and have a nice day.

  2. Wade, have you ever seen the big pharma commercials on the tv, where the side effects for taking their poison drugs results in, the “urge to gamble” or “jimmy legs”? While we get hit with chemtrails pretty regularly, you’re in Nevada, so I think they are trying to give you that urge to gamble. Haha! After all, they have to shake every loose coin left in your pockets out of you!

    I kid of course. It’s criminal what they are doing. The trails are off the charts. What is your weather forecast for tomorrow? When they spray us, I usually know it will rain or snow the next day.

    1. “When they spray us, I usually know it will rain or snow the next day.”

      Yea, that’s usually how it works here in Texas.

    2. Hey deb I am glad you brought up the Weather, this morning I went out side to have a smoke and it was clear skie’s. I walked by the synagogue of satanic cinema…… “The television” and the local not news weatherman said it was going to be partly cloudy today! Low and behold, Chemtrails!

      1. Don’t you just love how they mix partly cloudy, with chemtrails? The weather guys know it. There was one guy that I believe that originated in Colorado, Scott something. His last name escapes me. He started a website years back called weatherwars.com if memory serves me correctly, he quit on air over the chemtrails, and what he was forced to report. We know that the geoengineering of our atmosphere is real. There will come a day when we are vidicated and the military’s “we will own the weather by 2020” will become a reality, and we will see weather wars more than what we see today.

        Keep a running video diary Wade. We all should. It’s an act of war against humanity. Will anyone be held accountable? Yes they will.

          1. That’s his name Paul! Yeah whatever happenened to him?!? Good work. It’s been years since I’ve seen his work.

          2. Yeah. he used to post videos on his site on chemtrails moving over where he lives, but tapered off around a year or so ago. Quit checking his site after that. too bad. He was very knowledgeable.

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