Dashcam Video Of Police Shooting Unarmed Airman Michael Davidson

Published on Mar 14, 2017 by Dark Horse News

On March 6, 2014, Airman Michael Davidson was shot by Opelika police officer Phillip Hancock after he exited his vehicle along Interstate 85 in Alabama after Davidson’s vehicle had been involved in an accident with a truck. Davidson was holding his black wallet, which the officer believed was a gun. A ruling by the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed the decision by the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Alabama that Officer Hancock acted reasonably in shooting Davidson after repeatedly calling for Davidson to show his hands as he exited his sports utility vehicle.

5 thoughts on “Dashcam Video Of Police Shooting Unarmed Airman Michael Davidson

  1. Last Friday morning at around 6am my next door neighbor was pulled over for doing 55 in a 45mph zone, the cop had her gun drawn on him at first contact.
    This is in your backyard folks, this is not how its supposed to be and the ones most to blame are the military and police.

  2. Another innocent man gunned down by reckless, incompetent, yellow bellied pigs. What does the government court say about their hired thug? We investigated ourselves and found our communist comrade henchman did nothing wrong.

  3. We have to ask our selves what caused the paradigm shift in law enforcement tactics over the last 30 years. Are the officers dumber? Is their perception of “imminent danger” heightened for some reason despite the obvious innocence of their situation and why? America has changed since my youth in the 1950s. Most America’s citizen’s (both civilian and law enforcement) perspective of strangers has gone from a cautious but friendly encounter to outright adversarial one.

  4. Another Hero protecting your freedom….What a terrified weak man in a costume……it is Unreal, he was let off for this….If that was my family member, justice would be swift and final….you stupid mthrfkrs….this will stop one day soon…….

    As I’ve said in the past, these uneducated tards in costumes are creating their own self full-filling prophesy, sooner than later, people will just have to engage all law enforcement interactions as if we are in a combat zone…

    If “The Law” is going to sanction an execution like this, then what have we left as an oversight? Only our inherent rights to defend ourselves with lethal force…an accident, a traffic infraction, an overdue parking ticket….and it’s a death sentence…

    There can be no justification for something like this, and there are so many incidents like this……!!!

    The enforcers of tyranny will only stand down when they find themselves in full machine gun battles with every other human they pull over….but then they’ll get to bring out all their military hand me down gear that they’ve been getting for so many years, right….and they think that will make a difference….Again, Tards in costumes…!

    I mean wtf….who are these cowards in costumes, certainly not Americans defending our Bill of rights…….yeah the enforcer appeared “upset” he shot an unarmed man, but really, he was probably more worried about his job…either way, no matter how bad you feel after doing that to “My” family member, that would not save you….!

    I sometimes wonder who these people are that you are killing, because for the life of me, their families must be good little slaves, letting the system take care of justice, man you tards in costumes must feel really safe!!…that you can blow folks away with impunity, guess you “are” shooting the right people then…….because we never hear about a family member going totally War Postal on your asses…..!

    This shit just fries me, these incidents hit home cause it is in the course of our regular day that these terrified clowns with guns are interacting against us and our family members……one wrong twitch of your eyebrow and BOOM your fkn dead….

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