Dead Muslims in San Bernadino Hoax are Dummies Not Humans


Make no mistake about it the San Bernardino gun control hoax is a scam to the extreme. This is made glaringly clear by the staging perpetrated in the attempt to create realism, where a car is show shot-up and where, then, what appear to be corpses are shown on the pavement.  

There can be no doubt that the car was shot up. Yet, there is no evidence to any degree that the official story is real, that this was a shoot-out by law enforcement against ‘terrorists’ on the run. If this was the case, why are there no skid marks? How could the car come to a stop in such a straight line? There is no evidence of breaking or skidding of any kind.


What is that trash can doing there? How did it get there? Surely, the SWAT moles have things better to do than to place so strategically that receptacle. Even so, what is happening about the SWAT vehicle? How is this representative of an emergency circumstance? Furthermore, where are the dead people, the man and his wife? They cannot be seen anywhere? Did they put them in the receptacle?


In fact, there is no emergency here of any kind. Moreover, it appears that there are people already inside the car and none of them are dead.

What is going on, here? There was no red matter to be seen previously. How did it get there? Furthermore, what is the purpose of all those white marks? Who painted that fake blood on the pavement?


It was clearly not there before. If the man was shot dead in the car, he would have stopped bleeding.


That red matter was clearly added after the initial staging photo, categorically proven here. There can be no doubt that this is a hoax. The placement of white markers next to the fake blood and the obviously painted red matter on the pavement are hard proof of the nature of this as nothing other than a fraud.

If the entity was bleeding, why is there no trail of blood? Why is there no arterial spurting?


It couldn’t bleed no matter how many times it was shot. That’s because rather than a human it is nothing other than a dummy, a reticulated dapper cadaver. That dapper cadaver is of the fake Anglo-Saxon type, too light-skinned (that is latexed) to be the man in question. The dummy has been painted with fake blood.


Clearly, this is a dummy and nothing else. There can be no doubt about this fact. For certain this is not an image of Farooq and/or his wife. Notice the rectangular pattern for the painted-on fake blood. Also, notice the color; it’s fake for sure.


What in God’s name is this? It surely can’t be human. Did it come delivered in that massive bag? Are those its feet? If soe, what are they doing up in the air? It’s a freak show, make no mistake about it, one that would make P.T. Barnum proud.

These are the two people who are lying (fake) dead on the pavement? Who finds that plausible?

Did he bleach his skin before deciding to participate in the hoax?

Or, was it this man all along, and they just got it wrong, a light-skinned Qatari individual?

CAIR seems to indicate that it really happened, putting a relative on the podium. If it is real, then, why is the woman on the far edge of the imagery seen to be smirking?

Regarding the (fake) shooter what kind of image is this? What is that cut-line doing next to his neck? What is the matter with the poor man’s thumb.


It truly is a freak show, and there can be no way that could be a real hand. This  gives the phrase having a green thumb a new meaning.

Even so, he does seem to be a real person. In this selfie it is possible to seen his image in reverse in the mirror behind.

How much was Farooq paid to participate in this scam? Where is he, now? That’s not him on the pavement, which is readily seen by anyone who would consider the facts at-hand:


This really is a dummy, with mere silicone and latex as its substance rather than actual human flesh. This is indisputable evidence that the San Bernardino ‘mass shooting’ is nothing other than a hoax and a fraud, a scam to the most extreme degree: rather than a false flag a mere hoax, though a treacherous one meant to spread corruption in the land.

An image is also shown, here. How did he get from the side of the curb to the center of the road without there being a blood trail to follow? Also, does that red matter look nothing like real blood but, rather, like fake blood, the type of tempura paint?


The red matter next to the vehicle has no correlation with that seen, here, of the imagery next to the curb. It is believed, however, that this is a live Farooq and that he is an element in the staging.

Here is what one of our posters had to say about the arch-phony staging and hoaxing:

The ENTIRE event is a gigantic fraud upon the world.

Why isn’t the media asking ONE basic question: “where is the female deceased?”

In its futile attempt to make the event believable, the media’s version contains elements that is very simple to disprove. Take for example the following sentences:

“According to police, the couple donned themselves with assault rifles…”

“According to some reports, the duo had GoPro cameras strapped to their body armor…”

Then, there was supposedly a “violent shootout on a RESIDENTIAL street in Redlands.”

All of this is part of the script, all part of the phony fake show. The phrase “according to police” is vague and ambiguous. Which police? Who said they had GoPro cameras? Where is the evidence? If there was a violent shootout, where are witnesses who can verify with their call phone cameras?

In these scripted events, the media first sells the world on the foundation lie, as in the foundation part of a pyramid. This is the base lie that must be accepted by the masses as fact. The base lie here can be summarized in a few sentences:

“Shooters storm a holiday party, killing 14 and injuring 21. One male and one female, both Muslim, storm off in a black SUV, killed by police in a shootout. Third suspect detained.”

Once the sheep have been duped by the foundation lie, then the media can provide an unlimited amount of ornaments to support its foundation. Ornaments are just additional lies. However, when it becomes abundantly clear that the foundation lie is exposed, then the ENTIRE pyramid of lies collapses.

EVERY statement made by a supposed “witness” on television is HEARSAY and thus not admissible in court. But there will be no witnesses called to court and provide testimony under penalty of perjury, because there will be no jury trial, since all the fake shooters are fake dead.

The people of San Bernadino attending the vigil are just brain dead sheep who blindly accept what they see on their television sets.

Why doesn’t the media go and speak to the supposed victims at the hospital who are only “wounded” and thus would be able to give a first hand account on what happened. Again, where is the cell phone footage, where is the CCTV footage of the SUV arriving and/or escaping the scene from the nearby traffic cameras?

The scam remains the same:

1. Fake shooting
2. Fake wounded
3. Fake dead
4. Fake relatives


44 thoughts on “Dead Muslims in San Bernadino Hoax are Dummies Not Humans

  1. I was there watching from a friends home about 100′ away. They were real bodies for gods sake. Who ever prepared this story was full of crap.

    1. 100′ away??? You must be independently wealthy then, right?

      Any ‘news’ agency would have paid THOUSANDS for video or even still photos.

      Sounds like YOU’RE the one with the brown eyes, clownboy.

      1. Where does he live?

        “I was there watching from a friends home about 100′ away.”

        San Bernardino, apparently.

        Or so he SAYS.

      1. “That’s not me people.”

        Bit of a location problem there, Millard. Hard to confuse WI with Commiefornia. 🙄

        1. Hi, I’m #1 NWO Lovr, and I love Obama.
          They’ve redoubled their efforts to monitor social media networks and Patriot websites so expect more and more of the same.

          Just the same though, I was happy to see the trenchers bust him before I got back online. Thanks trenchers, we ain’t as dumb as they look!

    2. Hi Milard: (which is NOT our Millard),

      What are the odds??!!!!!!

      I was there too!!!

      About a 100′ away, and yes I saw the bodies also!!!

      Of course I TRIED to take some photos and videos of this to PROVE its real,… but wouldn’t you know it,… just as I tried,…

      My camera mysteriously stopped working,…

      My second (back-up) camera had dead batteries,…

      The video function on my cell phone locked up,…

      The camera in my cell phone kept deleting,…

      The security camera’s at the house I was at, stopped working,… ALL AT THE SAME TIME (…. just like the all the security camera’s in the lobby of the Oklahoma Bombing)

      My Polaroid was fresh out of film,…

      My lap top’s battery JUST went dead,… (or I would have used the photo/video function in my laptop)

      The 5 people in the house with me,.. just by freak co-incidence,… their cell phones ALL went dead at the same time,….

      The dash cam in my vehicle, which has its own battery and can be used outside the car,… just happen to die,…

      The dash-cam’s in the cars of the other people in the house,… just happen to die also,….

      And lastly,… the pencil I was going to use to make sketches of this with,.. had a broken tip and we couldn’t find a pencil sharpener anywhere in the house,…

      My,.. my, my,… what lousy luck!,… wouldn’t you say?

      By the way,… since we were both about a 100′ away,… which house were you in??

      Well Milard,… since I have ZERO proof of seeing this,… and you have provided ZERO proof of seeing this,… I guess you telling us you saw it and that it is all real is good enough!!!!,.. because you said so!!!! Yeah,.. that’s it,… because you said so!

      JD – US Marines – Yeah,.. that’s it,… because this TROLL, Milard, wrote us a comment that this is all real,…. I guess we have no choice but to believe him!!!


      1. When the lead in Milard’s pencil broke, he knew he was screwed. Not even a drawing with a crayon! Good one, J.D.!

        1. Hi Millard,

          Yeah,.. I didn’t want to mention this because I thought it might sound like to much of an amazing co-incidence,… you know,.. kind of like a Gov’t Agency Training Drill SUDDENLY becoming the real thing! (“OOoooo” gasps the audience!),..

          But yes,… after my pencil suffered a technical failure (,.. a broken tip),.. I then reached for my trusty back-up box of Croyola Crayons,.. only to find they had all melted some how,.. SO THEN!!!,…. I tried my last ditch effort of lighting a small fire to burn the end of a stick so I could capture images of this REAL SHOOTING EVENT (YES!!!,.. IT’S REAL!!!,.. DON’T THINK OTHER WISE!!!!,.. IT’S REAL BECAUSE I SAID SO!!!!),… like cave art,…. but wouldn”t you know it,.. my tinder was all wet and would not ignite! (… plus my stick broke,.. and just couldn’t find another one anywhere…)

          Oh well,…. thank God we have Zionist-Jew Trolls coming on our website and CONFIRMING for us that Tel Aviv is in overdrive to saturate alternate media with “Personal Eye Witness Accounts” of this theater!!!

          JD – US Marines – As I have said before,… many times the commies confirm their lies for us without meaning to do so,.. this troll is an example of that!


      2. A lot like the eagles of death metal concert at the Bataclan sold out show. Crowd capacity is 2000ppl and only ONE video. We’ll just have to take the word of the guy who owns the venue, I guess. Oh, and also owns all media in France. And also a major weapons manufacturer. He couldn’t possibly benefit from war in the M.E.?

        Naaaaah..I must be a coincidence theorist.

        1. Whoa! I knew about the ziopigs selling that place 2 months beforehand, where can I get that info?

          Yeah, previous kike owners had it for 40 years and they sell it just like Lucky Silverstein buying just in time……f—–g kike fake jewish mafia khazarian cock suckers!! Send me a link to that if you can….. Cheers.

          1. His name is Arnaud Lagardere. Big wig in a LOT of French affairs. I will try to remember where I came across it to provide links but search his name and it should open up some avenues. He owns LeMonde etc etc…amongst a lot of other things. Net worth 2.4 billion. He bought Bataclan end of September and the other cockroaches who owned it before scurried and retired in isrealhell

    3. *********************************************************************
      I MakE $2500 a week from home and I only work 25 hours a weeK helping ISIS get funding and chugging a little Zionist COck while shilling for them against yOu. MY Sister makes $1000 A WEEK while only working 10 HouRs a week attacking American PatrioTs for The Kenyan CIA planT in D.C.

      1. I am semi techno retarded but “Nov 17 jewishworld news bataclan” as a search should start you. “Lagardere Hachette” is the group name of corp that umbrellas all that f’d up bs…

        Old many and owns much

    4. Wow. I missed out on the intruder that thought it could use one of our own against us. Know this troll, you will never convince anyone here that any of these false flags are real. Take that back to your handlers. Using our Millard of all people is a desperate touch. Coward. Eff off! Did you really think you would turn us against one another? Are you really that stupid?!?

  2. Hey check this out!!

    Grenadier1 | December 4, 2015 at 16:21 | Reply
    So I am about to blow your minds.
    Exactly 100 years before this attack on December 2nd 1915 a young girl names Orta Hedges was poisoned. She lived a very short distance from the location of this terrorist attack. Her murder was the latest in a series of ritualistic murders that occurred around San Bernardino that fall. She was 14. Just like the number of murder victims in this attack. Her murder was not the last there was one more to follow on December 9th. These murders had all the trappings of occult significance and there locations were not random. The locations were very close to what are called Telluric Current nodes. These are more commonly called Ley lines. The theory is that these murders “charge” up the telluric currents and fuel magikal rituals to acheive the desired results of the adept. This series of murders were never solved but there is evidence that they had not only occult connections but also connections with international intelligence agencies. Given that we know that Intel agencies have a very odd fascination with occult groups and knowledge it begs the question. Was this most recent terrorist attack as random and varied as we are being led to believe? Should we expect to see additional events within the next week around the time of the 9th?

  3. CNN would not show “body” laying on the street because it was to gruesome. They kept the “body” out of the camera frame every time they showed the shot up vehicle. I knew it was fake from that point on.

  4. At this point in the game the Communist Cops don’t want to get caught killing actual people. When you see the Communist Cops “suit and booted”, “locked and loaded” and near the epicenter of “the shooting” as in San Bernadino and you see “real bodies”, then the Communist Jews and their goy enforcers will be about to make their move. If their are any Communist Cops listening, when you get on the TV and tell Americans that it’s time to confiscate firearms what you are really saying is that it’s time to murder us….we will resist.

  5. Well this is the real Jolly Roger, and I’m afraid I have to agree to some extent with the fake Millard.

    “whoever prepared this story is full of crap” sounds good to me, because I think the people at “Nodisinfo” are in the disinformation business.

    The San Bernardino shootings were definitely a hoax, but what you have here is a collection of dubious evidence designed to discredit anyone who says so.

    The “fake hand”, the presence of a trash receptacle, and the lack of a blood trail from the car to the corpse are all easily explained. They’re given here as “evidence” so the people you “reveal” this to will think you’re grasping at straws to make accusations against our government, and this causes them to cling more tightly to the official story.

    People should limit themselves to INDISPUTABLE evidence when informing others, because passing on this questionable stuff just convinces them you have no real evidence at all. (which causes them to believe the government, and believe you’re a nut)

    That’s why the propagandists in the “alternative Zionist news” always return to the Pentagon when discussing 9-11. The hard, indisputable evidence is all at the World Trade Center.

    Remember: they’re not expecting to fool everyone with these hoaxes, and they prepare to discredit those who aren’t fooled. (they’re not new at this game)

  6. Real or not the underlying effort remains, from what I have been seeing all these years, to be firearms confiscation. It is brash notion, indeed, to enforce this pipedream, which requires a significant portion of the population to “get on the bandwagon” to criticize our 2nd amendment in order to have a “hunger games” type society come into fruition. This apparatchik needs it’s “useful idiots” to “hit the streets and carry out it’s will as a step toward this success.
    Here I present to you a very real possibility that I have never seen anybody mention but one that I believe will be mentioned by the gun-controllers-I believe that after firearms confiscation will come the registration of tools because firearms ARE tools. It takes tools to make tools. Files, welding equipment, metal stock, lathes, milling machines, etc., etc. all will be outlawed eventually because people will make their own weapons from zipguns to spears, when their very survival is at stake. After tool confiscation (and remember, firearms are tools too) America will truly be a “hunger games” type situation (let’s go FEMA camping, everyone!) that will ensure the very “slave state” that the useful idiots keep braying about through the very deceptive media (left and right). In the least, the creativity and industriousness of America is at hand.
    In closing I would like to openly speculate what can be done. A few things for starters. First, over the years I have concluded that this is not a bipartisan system, which is, as I describe “one party from away from a kleptocracy”. A combination of authoritarianism and totalitarianism could be a good description while the terms oligarchy or corporatacracy could apply. It’s not a bipartisan system but a Bifurcated system (2 heads on one neck) with the Republican and Democrat parties as the 2 “manageable entities”. The Occupy Movement would do well to focus upon this, the “taproot of the problem” and the sooner the better as we have the current “selection”…er…uh….”election” (sorry…Freudian slip) coming up. This phony system should be exposed and rejected for what it is….a farce. A just system would have multiple parties on equal footing with documented facts on the table for voters to choose but it’s just the typical con so common in most things. Observe how the repulsive party of Lincoln (republican) has corporate entities who will vote for the “felon hilliar e. (as in wile e.coyote-e standing for evil) rotten” Clinton if Trump is the republican candidate. They declare they will vote pinko communistic liberal left-wing ,”yellow-dog democrat” (not to be confused with the traditional blue dog democrat). Voting for Trump as the republican candidate or as the independent could be a viable option. Number 2 is simple. Stop subscribing to media. I did it back in 2000. I still have TV only I choose what to watch by renting movies I like so no money is wasted on a cable or sat tv subscription that gives me no real choices (a tailor made list of channels of my choosing). I also have these objects called “books” that have useful, entertaining and fascinating “information” inside. Third, start disseminating boycott lists among yourselves. It’s amazing to me that I remember seeing only a couple of these generated among our oppressed ranks and yet our opposition has all sorts. Why hasn’t NRA or the Christians, for example, generated any of these? Oh and by the way remember this Consumermas….er…uh….Christmas (darn these Freudian slips) you can do your part by defying the laws of tradition and waiting till the after Christmas sales to get more bang for the buck. Send promissory notes instead for gifts. Finally, I would like to remind you that this writing is a formulation of my opinions that may likely be shared by plenty. If this is the case you are welcome, if not, oh well, and if I offended you, “boohoo and cry me river” I’m not sorry. So long for now friends.

  7. Why doesn’t the media go and speak to the supposed victims at the hospital who are only “wounded” and thus would be able to give a first hand account on what happened.
    Because the media has been given a script to follow word for word.
    If “real” people were wounded and in the hospital, the next of kin would not be giving interviews on nbc,
    I think millard has been outed. That is your call.

  8. Has anyone mentioned the video of the alleged “shooters” home that was broadcast “live” 2 days after the incident? CNN (yes, shocking) supposedly had a live feed of the entrance to the home; NOW common sense would dictate is this was a real incident that there would be restricted access to the inside of the house BUT instead a woman carrying a small child then a man walking into the house with what looks like his teenage son are seen walking right into the house! Seriously? Yet another effort to invoke “CNN Syndrome” on the public….

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