(Updated) DHS/Police are paying school kids to spy on classmates


Apparently DHS’s “If You See Something Say Something” spying program isn’t enough. Now DHS/Police want to turn school kids into spies.

The “Project Safe Campus” (PSC) program is an anonymous CASH rewards program that pays students $100.00 to spy on fellow classmates!   

According to a statement from Detroit public schools…

“The goal of PSC is to increase the number of anonymous tips coming from the schools. Students who give tips that result in disciplinary action can earn $100 cash rewards.”

This program incentivizes schools and universities to spy on students. 

Updated: 11/11:

The Missouri University Police Department (MUPD) asked students to report ‘hurtful speech.’

The MUPD sent an email to students yesterday morning urging them to call them and report any hurtful speech they encounter on the campus. Click here to see MUPD’s report a student link.

The MUPD email asked “individuals who witness incidents of hateful and/or hurtful speech or actions” to call the department’s general phone line “to continue to ensure that the University of Missouri campus remains safe.” They suggest that students provide a detailed description of the offender, their location or license plate number, and even to take a picture if possible.

Schools and campuses will RECEIVE $3,000 for EVERY actionable tip DHS/Police receive:

Image source: DetroitK12

“Now the Crime Stoppers program is awarding tip matching donations up to $3,000 per individual student council for supporting and promoting Project Safe Campus in their schools“.

This is an incredibly dangerous program, A school or university that has budgetary issues will now receive $3,000 for every student they report to DHS/ Police!

Watch ex- NBA player and PSC spokesman Willie Burton describe their plans to expand to colleges on “Street Beat” a local Detroit television show. (interview starts at approx. 6:30). Fyi, Burton went to high school in Detroit.

The PSC program is funded by “Crime Stoppers” which is run by DHS. A ‘Crime Stoppers and Homeland Security’ search returned 108,000 hits. Crime Stoppers is in EVERY police department in the country and will soon be in every school.

DHS is using a clueless ex-NBA player and former Michigan resident to start a new nationwide student spying program, all in the name of SAFETY.

The DHS student spying program goes by a few of different names:

1.) The Louisiana Safe Schools program pays students $2,500 to spy on their classmates.
2.) The Laredo, Texas’s Campus Crime Stoppers program pays students $1,000 to spy on their classmates
3.) Michigan’s “Fast Fifty” pays students $50.00 to spy on their classmates.

Isn’t it interesting these spy programs, got their start in areas where unemployment is high and  incomes are low? Why would DHS/Police target low-income areas like Louisiana, Michigan andLaredo,Texas?  Unemployed students eager to make some quick cash, now have an incentive to turn in their friends and family for a “fast fifty” or more.

Who in their right mind, thinks it’s a good idea to pay kids and schools to spy on students?  Where does it stop? The ‘Greatest Generation’ fought to stop Nazi Germany which turned their school kids into spies.  After WW2 Americans fought against the USSR which also turned their school kids into spies.

Have we learned nothing?

Who stands to profit from this brazen spy for-profit scheme? If you guessed DHS and private stakeholders (companies) give yourself a gold star:

“We know that we cannot do this work alone. That’s why we have expanded our collaboration with key stakeholders not only within the DPS family – including our own police officers, citizenpatrollers, academic team, principals, staff, parents, students and our contracted security officers – but among outside partners and police agencies,” said Police Chief Stacy Brackens.

The U.S. Dept. of Education (USDOE) and the Michigan DOE are also using a Restorative Practices program which claims to reduce crime, improve student behavior, restore relationships etc.

Students everywhere will soon be indoctrinated by our governments’ Office of Special Educationprogram called “Positive Behavior Intervention.”

“The purpose of the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Implementation Blueprint is to guide leadership teams in the assessment, development, and execution of action plans.”

Still doubt this is being implemented throughout the country?

Government propaganda teams, sorry I meant Behavioral Intervention Teams are already in K – 12 Schools, Colleges and Universities, and Corporations/Organizations!

Click here to view their “School Climate Transformation Grants” section, which boasts about being in 12 states and 71 school districts.

These so-called ‘specialists’ who decide whether a kid needs more government or police intervention could have undergone only 5 hours of training! It takes anywhere from 5 hours to two days and sometimes up to four days to become a behavioral specialist! Click here to read more.

Below is a list of positive ‘Behavioral Interventions and Supports’ (PBIS) core principles:

1.) We can effectively teach appropriate behavior to all children. All PBIS practices are founded on the assumption and belief that all children can exhibit appropriate behavior. As a result, it is our responsibility to identify the contextual setting events and environmental conditions that enable exhibition of appropriate behavior. We then must determine the means and systems to provide those resources.

What they’re really saying is, putting your kids in government schools is no longer about education, its about INDOCTRINATION!  This is eerily reminiscent of Nazi Germany who kidnapped over200,000 children and indoctrinated them.

2.) Intervene early. It is best practices to intervene before targeted behaviors occur. If we intervene before problematic behaviors escalate, the interventions are much more manageable. Highly effective universal interventions in the early stages of implementation which are informed by time sensitive continuous progress monitoring, enjoy strong empirical support for their effectiveness with at-risk students.

What they’re really saying is, the police will intervene and monitor EVERY student! Click here & hereto read more.

3.) Use of a multi-tier model of service delivery. PBIS uses an efficient, needs-driven resource deployment system to match behavioral resources with student need. To achieve high rates of student success for all students, instruction in the schools must be differentiated in both nature and intensity. To efficiently differentiate behavioral instruction for all students. PBIS uses tiered models of service delivery.

What they’re really saying is, it’s up to the government to decide which type of behavioral instruction each student will receive!

4.) Use research-based, scientifically validated interventions to the extent available. No Child Left Behind requires the use of scientifically based curricula and interventions. The purpose of this requirement is to ensure that students are exposed to curriculum and teaching that has demonstrated effectiveness for the type of student and the setting. Research-based, scientifically validated interventions provide our best opportunity at implementing strategies that will be effective for a large majority of students.

This is an incredibly misleading and false statement. First off, the “No Child Left Behind” has no scientific validity and has many problems. Secondly, not a single ‘scientific intervention’ has ever been proven to be 100% effective.

5.) Monitor student progress to inform interventions. The only method to determine if a student is improving is to monitor the student’s progress. The use of assessments that can be collected frequently and that are sensitive to small changes in student behavior is recommended. Determining the effectiveness (or lack of) an intervention early is important to maximize the impact of that intervention for the student.

What they’re really saying is, the gov’t is frequently assessing every student.

6.) Use data to make decisions. A data-based decision regarding student response to the interventions is central to PBIS practices. Decisions in PBIS practices are based on professional judgment informed directly by student office discipline referral data and performance data. This principle requires that ongoing data collection systems are in place and that resulting data are used to make informed behavioral intervention planning decisions.

What they’re really saying is, our gov’t is using student data to assess everyone!

7.) Use assessment for three different purposes. In PBIS, three types of assessments are used: 1) screening of data comparison per day per month for total office discipline referrals, 2) diagnostic determination of data by time of day, problem behavior, and location and 3) progress monitoring to determine if the behavioral interventions are producing the desired effects.

What they’re really saying is, every interaction a student has ever had with teachers, police etc., is being recorded.

Students are being given assessments from kindergarten-college

Every student is given a “THREAT ASSESSMENT” by police and school administrators.

“The Virginia Student Threat Assessment Guidelines (V-STAG) is a school-based manualized process designed to help school administrators, mental health staff, and law enforcement officers assess and respond to threat incidents involving students in kindergarten through 12th grade and prevent student violence.”

V-STAG was developed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the U.S. Secret Service, and the U.S. Department of Education.

For more info. about students being given threat assessments read:

American students are given threat assessments“.

Universities are using data analytics to assess students mental health and much more“.

Common Core creates a womb-to-tomb dossier on kids and families“.



8 thoughts on “(Updated) DHS/Police are paying school kids to spy on classmates

  1. Now the u.s. will have it’s own Wildstein List.

    “‘Wildstein List’ is a list of the names associated with the numbers identifying the documents in the archives of the Institute of National Remembrance. The Wildstein List is a list which contains the names of some 162,617 (originally thought to contain 240,000) individuals who are believed to either have worked for the Polish Służba Bezpieczeństwa (secret intelligence service of the socialist era), or who SB considered recruiting (with or without their knowledge), or who were under investigation by SB. It is named after the reporter who supposedly secretly copied the list from the national archives, Bronisław Wildstein. The list eventually found its way to the Internet. ”



  2. Wait ,… Wasn’t it Hitler who used the children to further his agenda?
    And than moving on to disarming a population


    1. Hitler only disarmed the jews & communists, not German nationals.

      The Bolsheviks, on the other hand, disarmed everyone.

  3. Is there anyone out there worst than a “snitch?” Ok, I’ll give you joo bankers and politicians, but “snitches” are lowly slime, slithering through their day looking for their next victim to “score” a couple grand, likely planting evidence and setting people up for the pigs. “Snitches” don’t live in my town, they slither in from out of town, dressed the part of a “druggie”, likely has some stash with him, provided by the pigs, to help his “establishment” in town. People are still stupid so they always catch some fool who’s too brazen and attracts attention. Then all his buddies get their names thrown in the hat with him “squealing like a pig”. I know they use “drug dogs” for searching lockers at the school. They send in “transfer students” to investigate covertly. This is true. When a kid who’s a sheriff’s deputy’s son or a community leader’s kid gets caught in it, well, it goes away very quietly. There’s 2 sets of laws. One for the privileged, the other for the rest of us.

  4. The author asks ” Haven’t we learned anything?” A. Yes we have, the snitch culture is alive and well, and most people would sell out for a dime, or if they thought that it would get them on the ” Inside “.
    He asks ” when will it stop? ” A. When your head is severed by one of their shinny new guillotines.
    When do you think they will be passing out the brown shirts?

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