Do You Oppose Gun Control? Eric Holder Knows That You are a Secret Racist

eric-holder-3These intellectual midgets cannot win a debate on the weight of its merit. Nor can they convince their opponents of which they speak is correct. So it always boils down to attacking the opponent with baseless attacks. So as to deflect the obvious, that their ideas, or ideologies, are moot.

These creatures will stop at nothing to have their way.  All the more reason for us to pull out ALL the stops, at finishing them off. When the time comes …and it can’t come soon enough for me, as I am sure you’d agree. When the “race card” is played, it’s a sign of desperation, and weakness.  

Now if they really want to be effective in their diversion, they could play a card which I’ve labeled, “The Traitor Card”. In doing so, they would have credibility, for it would be true! This would also bring them the sympathy and attention which they so eagerly desire. Sadly, though, it would bring them the attention which they really don’t want the folks to see. So they just use the ‘ol fashion race card.

They really have it tough, don’t they? Well, not for much longer ………The only choices they’ll be making soon are; “Do I pick the pack full of rocks, because I might be able to swim to safety?” Or do I pick door number two? (Which lies behind it, a firing squad)

Either way, they’ll be able to play the coveted, “Traitor Card” and bring real meaning to their lives, or what remains of it.

The Daily Sheeple – by Kimberly Paxton

If you oppose gun control, you aren’t fooling Attorney General Eric Holder one little bit.  You are clearly a racist, and he knows it.

Attorney General Eric Holder, who has suggested that critics of the Obama administration are motivated by race and referred to America as a “nation of cowards“ on race issues while blasting Americans who resist more gun control laws, suggested that those opposed to President Barack Obama’s policy agenda of “fundamental transformation” are quietly prejudiced.

In his Saturday commencement address at Morgan State University, a historically black university in Maryland, Holder said that even though there are no more “separate but equal” laws on the 60th anniversary of the Brown v. Board of Education decision, the “vestiges of state-sanctioned discrimination continue to reverberate across the country even today.”

He said America is done a disservice when they “trade the noisy discord of honest, tough, and vigorous debate for the quiet prejudice of inaction – and the cold silence of consent.” To Holder, dialogue is insufficient to address the “hidden” racism in society but is “a necessary first step that must lead to action.”

After comparing Obamacare to the Civil Rights Act of 1965, Holder suggested that those opposed to Obama’s “year of action” are silently displaying their prejudices and suggested that “action” is needed in voting rights, school discipline, and criminal justice reform. He blasted voter ID laws and “zero-tolerance school discipline practices” that “affect black males at a rate three times higher than their white peers.” The Justice Department’s school guideline reforms have been heavily criticized for effectively forcing schools to enact “de facto racial quotas” in school discipline. (source)

So basically, what it boils down to is that if you are white and you disagree with President Obama on anything, it means that you hate black people.  It means that if you are in charge of students at a public school, and you punish a black student, then you must immediately seek to punish a white student.  Because…quotas, duh.

Even those who condemn comments that are considered to be racist in nature, are actually, according to Holder, racist themselves.

Even though there was near universal condemnation for Donald Sterling’s and Cliven Bundy’s comments about black Americans, Holder said that was not good enough because the public outrage merely masks “hidden” racism in society.

“But we ought not find contentment in the fact that these high-profile expressions of outright bigotry seem atypical and were met with such swift condemnation,” he said. “Because if we focus solely on these incidents – on outlandish statements that capture national attention and spark outrage on Facebook and Twitter – we are likely to miss the more hidden, and more troubling, reality behind the headlines.” (source)

So, face reality, my friends.  You’re a racist, I’m a racist, everyone’s a racist. And this is how race wars start.  Seems intentional, right? What better way to institute martial law than to crack down on blacks and whites rioting and battling in the streets?

Anyway, let me make sure I understand this correctly: the AG doesn’t seem to be too keen on white people?  Is he…could he be…oh my gosh, does this mean that Eric Holder is a racist too?

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Contributed by Kimberly Paxton of

Kimberly Paxton, a staff writer for The Daily Sheeple, is based out of upstate New York. You can follow Kimberly on Facebook and Twitter.

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One thought on “Do You Oppose Gun Control? Eric Holder Knows That You are a Secret Racist

  1. hopefully the people graduating from this university are smart enough to realize holder is a pos.

    Did he only talk about race? Must have been a real fun speech. Wonder if anyone walked out early.

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