31 thoughts on “Dr. John & Eric Clapton – Right Place, Wrong Time

  1. Jolly Roger
    got to tune into …
    John Mayer…Ain’t No Sunshine-Live at the crossroads guitar festival I think 2010..youtube…..and think…you’ll say, well the cross has been passed….and let us not forget BBKING…even at his time frame he can do it…course…you said in the future….well, the below’s I think have lighted the above’s and the guitars will continue to give all of us surprises….high fives to you Jolly Roger

  2. Ah “Slowhand” 😎 Remember “Clapton is God”? There was a reason for that graffiti. 😎

      1. #2 on the “100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time” list
        Hendrix being #1 of course. Good Post rbeason

        1. I agree and don’t contest that….
          The finest of feelings put upon the finest of strings shall get each of us within ear range.the times….and also the times they are a changing…dylan..and so it goes….beautiful isn’t it…

          1. Rbeason, I meant nothing bad in my post, Slowhand being his nickname. The graffiti just meant that it was recognized early on that he was exceptional. The #2 rating I’d be ready to debate and award him his rightful place at #1. 🙂

          2. No One?
            Henry’s comment of Chet Adkins is closer to the truth and if all were to dig a bit bet we could come up with others before…even chet atkins who were leaders within the shomanship of guitar playing….my asking this to post had every thing to do with…the musical score(its entirety) not Eric Clapton as such…fact, myself a musician, he as a guitar player is way down on my list…quite down,.,.As an overall musician…he is fantastic….guitar player on its own,,,na not that much

          3. Yes Henri I agree, Chet was the teacher and what a teacher he was!. That being said, I believe in comparing “apples to apples”. In this case, bluesmen, a particular style, that’s why I have a hard time with those “Best” lists. Also tastes are very subjective, so those lists are “worth what they are worth” if you will. To tell you the truth, I admire so many guitarists, all in very different “genres”, that I would be hard pressed to choose only one. For blues players, I have three tied at first place. 🙂 And I’m sure I could add more. 🙂 Chet I think is in a league of his own and surely can be called a teacher. I mentioned him in a comment yesterday to rbeason, refering to Chester and Lester.
            It is an honor, to have you respond to one of my comments and a pleasure to have “talked” with you Henry.

  3. got ya lespaul…nor did I mean anything in any of my posts…negative…
    Damn, don’t know how to on my side of comments….to have the dialogue to chill out….
    am so sorry

    1. “And add what it was you intended to say!!!”

      No offence taken rbeason 🙂 The exclamation points made me wonder if you might have misunderstood me, I see now it wasn’t the case. Regards

      1. got this henry and lespaul…only respect meant…
        There have been nor was there no one before him…as a guitar teacher/player/master/craftsman as Chet Atkins….there is not a music man/woman alive which will say other wise…not one….and for that there is a reason…He Is The Best On Basic Guitar…Period…
        sorry if my comments may have , well, weren’t accurate as my voice

          1. Hi Digger, there you go, Roy Clark, another good “Picker” 🙂 Thanks Bro 🙂

          2. Yea Digger agree, another reason that this is the best site on the net! 🙂 Keep them coming my friend. 🙂

          3. you know something here digger…Roy Clark is one on the greatest….ever….one wishes to take a look? Hit youtube…and he is one of very best of guitar players ever recorded….don’t ever doubt it!!

          4. 🙂 🙂 😉 Yes rbeason, I like most all music I do – except for rap, techno, and they can have opera far as I am concerned. Nope, haven`t found much music I haven`t liked. 😉

          5. See what I mean rbeason, we could probably come up with another, greatest, if we think hard enough 🙂
            To you Roy Clark is the best, and you are right,for you.(Not saying he’s not good, he is) Why you chose him , comes from your heart, your head, from your life travels and experience etc. All that combined made you chose. My heart, head, life travels and experience,(which of course were not the same) led me to a different conclusion, is all. We are both right. 🙂 I am not a writer by trade, but I think you know what I mean. 🙂

  4. and here you have it and I can answer…
    a few sentences written upon a key board. can cause much discord, unintended! So tis, we must ensure and ask, each other, so that understandings are..not thus! Lets all be very careful with what we type!!
    And I thank you for asking…
    Now, charge ahead with your presence on this web site, one of the best sites of comments without much of a monitor…and……………………………………KNOW What? Isn’t that freedom? I think it IS…

    1. Rbeason, I have to add concerning the #1 rating. There has to be a three-way tie for that spot, Clapton, SRV and Hendrix, three bluesmen, but each with his own unique style. They merit the title equally. But tastes are subjective, I know.

      1. you know what ? I agree…here’s my thoughts, and a problem especially with regards to the arts….and here I will address music…in particular…And Ratings….
        what is it ? something as a 100 years, not long since sound could be recorded..OK..After that, came the experts to decide!!!OK..Alright, I will give that some credit. Such, gets thinkers to focus…OK.
        Then There are the musicians who actually do the work, live the life, play the music, and contribute the talent…Lets hear from them!
        If we listen to them and look it up of what is available for each of them, we will find a story not so commonly known as put out be the MSM… SO You See, Lespaul, tis not so much about ratings, NO 1 and such as it is, I think with each artistic contributor, a public recognition of each as a worthy artistic NOW performer….so that a performance may go on…and they are an asked for act…
        that whole statement is somewhat different of…musical critique of a particular song…..or such…
        seems I have made this more complicated than i intended to….on the very basics…music is simple and of the most pure of the arts…

        1. Agree 100% rbeason. See my response to Henry @6:36. I tried to explain exactly what you are saying. Who is the best and greatest is very personal to each individual. In that sense everyone is right about their choice, which is based on each one’s taste, experience etc. We can agree that one player is good and has talent, but the problem arises when we “compare” one to the other. I totally agree with Henry’s point of view on Chet Atkins, no question,(and I am glad he mentioned him) as you probably would also, being a musician yourself, you know “what it takes” if you will, to play at that level, and the talent necessary to accomplish what he did. But I know, if we start saying “he’s better then him” were going to have problems and could debate “ad nauseum” and never reach a consensus. What is important is to recognize and appreciate talent when we see it, but most importantly, enjoy it! Regards rbeason, always a pleasure to dis-course music with you. 🙂

          1. you said it again of what I said and think Henry and All trenchers and all visitors, just to this day, readers would think reasonable, and that is,music is personal, and all of us. enjoy a love of it,…..It just belongs. That’s It..

  5. much of the comments have gone to guitar playing and Eric Clapton…
    Well this musical piece is really about Dr John and his song…
    Looked it up and it belongs to him
    He wrote it! He brought it out to the public…
    Well Wow…..what a song….Pop….It Stands The Test Of Time…

  6. I people, had something of vaue written up and went to deliver the send button….yea, Post Comment…..and it disappeared…Honest..
    I take it is time for me to discover the tomorrows, via some rest…
    been my pleasure to each one of you today…keep your thinking caps on, your hearts as your own and god speed for good health………….rbeason

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