Economist Warns of Collapse Risk: “Will Not Allow Life to Continue As We Know It”

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(Video, Infowars) – Earlier this week we noted that an invasion of the Ukraine by Vladimir Putin would likely lead to a complete destruction of U.S. stock markets. It’s not so much the invasion force itself, but rather, the economic maneuvers that would come with it should Russia take this course of action.

Well known economist and founder of the Shadow Stats web site John Williams seems to agree. If Russia were to begin unloading US Dollars it would almost instantly lead to a collapse of not only our financial markets, but our entire way of life. And while Russia alone may not have the economic power to single-handedly crush the U.S. economy, if their trading partners and allies like China got into the mix, coupled with front-running investors who may suspect the move is about to happen, it could well be a blood bath on a global scale.  

This wouldn’t even be an issue if the U.S. economy were operating at healthy levels, but as Williams notes in the following interview with Greg Hunter’s USA Watchdog, it’s anything but:

What you have to keep in mind is that back in 2008 we had one of the greatest financial crises the United States ever faced. The system was on the brink of collapse at that point in time. 

What the Fed and the federal government did was spend every penny they could, anything they could create or anything they could guarantee.  They did everything they could possibly do to keep the system from crashing.  They guaranteed all bank accounts.  So, they saved the system, but now what they did has not borne fruit.  We have not seen an economic recovery.  We have not seen a return of health to the banking system.

So, the system is very vulnerable; and if the Russians carry through with their threat, you have, indeed, the risk of it collapsing the system.

It does have the effect of creating a hyperinflation, which I think it would.  It’s the type of circumstance that will not allow life to continue as we know it because the U.S. is not able to handle hyperinflation.

We’re not structured for it.  Zimbabwe had one of the worst hyperinflations that anyone has ever seen.  They were still able to function for a while because they get paid in a rapidly depreciating currency.

It was so rapid it became like toilet paper overnight… they would go to a black market and exchange it for dollars.  We (the U.S.) don’t have a black market to escape from our dollars.  Gold is probably the closest thing to that.  Gold will tend to rally here as the dollar sells off, barring very heavy intervention by the central banks which you may see.

The fundamentals will eventually dominate, and you will see a very weak dollar and very strong gold coming out of this.

As it stands now, even without Russia and China, our economic system is, once again, on the cusp of a serious deleveraging. John Williams highlights that January retail sales, a leading indicator of economic health, gave the strongest signal since September 2007 that a recession is looming, if not already here.

One huge indicator of this is that Staples, a leading supplier of office supplies nationwide, is shutting the doors on 225 stores. And, they aren’t the only ones getting hammered by a pullback in consumer spending. The world’s largest retailer, Walmart, saw sales drop over 20% year-over-year in the fourth quarter of 2013.

And as trend forecaster Gerald Celente once noted, “as goes Walmart, so goes America.”
So, in reality, Russia can probably sit back and watch the U.S. economy slip into a coma over the next couple of years. Of course, if their intention is to return their nation to super power status, an attack on the US economy by dumping the dollar would speed up the process and amplify the fall-out, causing a multi-generational depression.

Last year Barack Obama faced off with Russia over Syria, a situation that could easily have led to a much wider conflict.

Now, the same players have taken the game to Ukraine.

In both instances we’ve heard warnings of a potential collapse of our economic system in the event of an escalation.

The point is that it really doesn’t matter if it’s Syria, Ukraine, Iran or some other periphery conflict.
It should be clear that eventually this is exactly how it’s going to play out with respect to the US dollar.

China and Russia will make their move when they are good and ready.

When that day comes the implosion will be so fast that most Americans won’t even realize what has happened or know how to cope. – Infowars: Economist Warns of Collapse Risk: “Will Not Allow Life to Continue As We Know It”

10 thoughts on “Economist Warns of Collapse Risk: “Will Not Allow Life to Continue As We Know It”

  1. Just gettin the word out . I’ve turned a lot of people on to this site Im here to help, If my help is not appreciated, Lotsa luck gentlemen. Because Time is a Factor

  2. Well the Elite would love nothing better as they welcome any event that would take the heat off them and their thieving banks. Can I ask is Russia and China working on this in their willingness to comply?

  3. What all these so called experts are not saying is this:
    If the American economy goes, so does everyone elses.
    They’re so intertwined that the domino effect WILL come.
    Some countries sooner than later.
    Also, as weak as ours seems, others do rely on trade with us.
    If trade with us totally stops, they too, Will have problems.
    As much as we purchase from China; if we no longer
    buy their crap, who else will make up the difference ?
    China goes bankrupt, stuff to sell, no one to buy it fast enough.
    Third world countries, get / receive material goods from us at
    reduced rates in exchange for, what ever they have offer.
    Usually nation building, and covert bases……
    If we fold, who will subsidize them ?
    Everyone is reliant on each other, some more than others.
    That’s the way the Fabian Marxists, and global engineers, planned
    it after WWII. In order to prevent future global war.
    What ever happens will be global, as most of us know.
    In order to usher in the replacement, for the current “Chosen”
    currency, that is the dollar.
    Not to forget …it’ll be bad ….. globally.

    1. For over a decade the Elite have been grooming China to be the next Super Power. Right now they don’t need America for trade. Their own people are becoming millionaires and many of them are buying up America for cash. China has gone capitalistic why they encourage their own people to buy gold. Guess that they are not as poor as our media would have us believe. The workers are poor for sure but not the owners of these companies.

      1. I have lived in China for many years and you are right on GrinNBarrett. There are many Chinese millionaires who are able to buy houses, businesses and real estate like a normal person buying toilet paper at a store. I met many Chinese businessmen who considered the equivalent of $1000 US dollars to be “small money” to them, as if it were the cost of paying for a stick of bubble gum to them.

        Meanwhile, a majority of them are poor, homeless and can barely afford to put food in their mouths. Like it is becoming here in the U.S., the Chinese are either super rich or super poor with very little middle class. Granted their middle class has been slowly growing over the years, no thanks to our jobs going overseas to them and thereby giving them more middle class opportunities, but when you have a population of over a billion people, there’s not enough jobs in the world to help all of their people.

        Paraclete is right on the fact that when U.S. and Europe collapses, who will buy their goods as both of these regions contain the highest consumers and their largest target of business. Without customers, they will have a surplus of goods overnight with no one to buy and their economy will crash because it will be worthless, as they will have nothing of value other than gold. So the only winners will be once again, the super rich Chinese.

        Meanwhile, the elite know that when the economy crashes, the people will be going to look for other resources of value like gold, silver, copper and so on. They have thought ahead. So what did they do? They made sure we didn’t have any of it or made it illegal for us to have it. Then they shipped it all to China. So they want to make sure that when the collapse happens, we will be completely crushed with nothing but the dirt on the ground and barren wastelands.

        China and Russia may be the new superpower in the future, but believe me, their rich population will actually be FAR FAR poorer, fewer and more authoritarian than any superpower in history. At the same time, their people will be even FAR FAR poorer, more abundant, and more oppressed than any superpower in history. And that’s what TPTB want and why it is happening this way. It is the Communist/Zionist model. Money, resources and power in the hands of a select few.

  4. An economist can say what he or she wants. But we have weapons and they speak loud and clear. We will make the decision on the life to continue as we know it.

    1. and you don’t think they do what they could not invent they stole. They have the weather weapons too and I am sure the Elite have made sure they have everything they need. America has to fall. Look what we have let them get away with so far. Do you really think things will change? I wish and I hope but I changed from an idealist to a realist pretty quick.

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