Effects Of Gun Control In CO: 13,500 Signatures To Recall Sen. Angela Giron

angela-giron-495x330Freedom Outpost – by Dean Garrison

Second Amendment supporters from all across the country are looking upon the great people of Colorado with pride. Unlike many of us who sit and whine about our government officials, the people of Colorado are taking action and looking to remove the cancers that are metastasizing within their Senate.

On Monday morning 13,500 signatures were turned in toward the potential recall of Senator Angela Giron. The Gazette Reports:  

A little over 13,500 signatures to recall Sen. Angela Giron, D-Pueblo, were turned in Monday morning to the Secretary of State’s office by local gun-rights advocates.

To put the ouster attempt on the ballot 11,500 of those signatures must be valid, which is 25 percent of the number of votes cast in the 2010 election that put Giron in office.

Victor Head, a plumber from Pueblo who is leading the campaign against the senator, said they were diligent to ensure all of the signatures were in Giron’s Senate District 3.

The state has three weeks to determine whether the signatures are from registered voters in the district, and if so, the governor will put a question on the ballot in coming months asking whether Giron should be recalled and if so, who should replace her. Candidates can get on the ballot by collecting signatures.

Giron is one of four Democrats targeted for recall this summer because of gun legislation they supported during the 2013 legislative session.

This latest recall attempt comes less than a week after Tim Brown reported 16,000 signatures were submitted to recall Senator John Morse:

16,000 signatures were delivered to recall Colorado State Senator John Morse. Morse has been a huge backer of the sweeping and numerous gun control bills that were passed in Colorado earlier in the year and signed into law by Governor John Hickenlooper.

Rob Harris, organizer of the recall effort, said “I ran this campaign. The NRA did not run this campaign. We the people are making a stand against the people who refused to represent their constituents.”

No state lawmaker has ever faced a recall vote in Colorado history. Accordingly, voters would determine whether he should be recalled and who would replace him.

Never in history? Well now it appears there may be two and, with any luck, as many as four. The people of Colorado are angry and they are turning that anger into action.

The people of Colorado understand the meaning of “Shall not be infringed.”

From those of us in the other 49 states… and I think I am speaking for gun owners all over the country when I say,

“Go Colorado!”

Read more: http://freedomoutpost.com/2013/06/effects-of-gun-control-in-co-13500-signatures-to-recall-sen-angela-giron/#ixzz2W6CmicIE

3 thoughts on “Effects Of Gun Control In CO: 13,500 Signatures To Recall Sen. Angela Giron

  1. Is this the lapdog that suplicated to Biden, without understanding something so simple as how a magazine works?

    1. Yes — she made a total fool of herself by saying that as shooters used up the higher capacity magazines, they would be forced to use the new legally required lower capacity magazines. She actually didn’t know that magazines could be re-loaded with new cartridges. Can’t get much more disconnected from reality than that.

  2. Well, give her a break! When it comes to magazines, Angela Giron can’t read the articles. She just looks at the pictures!

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