Jan 14, 2021
Claims that COVID is spread at grocery stores are driving major retailers to move to online ordering and curbside pickup. These claims are laughable, but the agenda behind them is not: the elimination of farmers markets and smaller grocers, and the separation of consumers from the food supply in advance of food shortages. Christian breaks it down in this quick update.
FULL SHOW NOTES: https://www.iceagefarmer.com/2021/01/…
This is on my list to watch, tonight.
They have killed off 80 of retail already millions out of work, all in the name of mammon for a chosen few.
Americans are cowards… or so it seems…
I’ll be shocked if they close any grocery chains out here (really there is only one and it is locally owned), and then there is the local health food store where hardly anyone wears a mask…
Locally owned is great but is it locally supplied?
My sister and her husband have been operating a convenience store for 20ish years. The little store has been the backbone of the community when the weather goes awry, as it often does in western NY.
They’ve been cited several times by the county for not following “Covid protocols”. They have no intent to pay the fines, I do believe. In the event of authority-troubles, I’m certain the neighborhood will support them in every possible way.
Yeah I’d treat those fine notices just like I treat the camera traffic tickets
Circular file right under my desk
They are unenforceable and should be treated as such by everyone