Eric Holder Orders DOJ to Go To Ferguson To Teach Black Residents About Something HORRIBLE

Attn. General Holder Testifies At Senate Judiciary Hearing On Justice Dept OversightYoung Conservatives – by Michael Cantrell

It’s pretty clear by now that Obama’s best buddy Eric Holder and his Department of Justice underlings have played a major role in stirring up trouble in Ferguson.

If you happen to be one of the few folks in the country who disagrees with that statement, allow me to present to you exhibit A, which happens to be the fact that DOJ officials actually held “white privilege” seminars the very next day after Michael Brown’s death.  

If that’s not stoking the flames of racism, I’m not sure what is.

From National Review Online:

When Department of Justice officials arrived in Ferguson, Mo., one day after the death of Michael Brown, it wasn’t just to conduct an investigation on potential civil-rights violations. In fact, officials from one Justice Department office were conducting meetings with Ferguson residents to educate them on subjects such as “white privilege.” […]

As investigators combed through Ferguson, DOJ’s Community Relations Service began holding the town-hall meetings, which excluded press and everyone from out of town. Ferguson resident Audrey Watson, 47, attended one of the meetings. She says federal officials organized the attendees into small groups and asked questions such as “What stereotypes exist in our community?” “How does white privilege impact race relations in our community?” and “Is there a need for personal commitment to race relations?”

So the DOJ shows up in Ferguson one day after a black man was shot to death by a white cop and starts teaching people in the community–with emotions running very high–about white privilege, and we’re supposed to believe that none of this contributed to the rioting, looting, violence, and racism that later ensued?


If Michael Brown’s “stepfather” is being investigated for inciting a riot, how in the world have these DOJ officials gotten away with essentially doing the same thing? Isn’t their presence and “teaching material” geared toward creating racial divide? Wouldn’t teaching people about white privilege the day after such a tragedy be throwing fuel on the fire?

This is insanity. Coming into the community and spewing garbage like this will not unite a community or help heal the hurt being experienced by those living in the area. As we’ve seen all over the news, it does the opposite.

Eric Holder and his funky bunch of race hustling DOJ progressives should be held responsible for some of the destruction in Ferguson, at least to some degree. America doesn’t need teaching about “white privilege.” It needs calm, rational voices to stand up and find ways to connect blacks, whites, and every other race on earth together based on common ground.

We need to focus on our shared humanity and treating each other with kindness and respect, not pointing fingers and encouraging racial arrogance.

That’s not what was done here, and the outcome has been the utter ruin of a city. The DOJ getting away with feeding the flames of unrest in Ferguson is the real injustice here.

(H/T Weasel Zippers)

One thought on “Eric Holder Orders DOJ to Go To Ferguson To Teach Black Residents About Something HORRIBLE

  1. “This is insanity.”

    What else would you expect from psychopaths?

    “Coming into the community and spewing garbage like this will not unite a community or help heal the hurt being experienced by those living in the area. As we’ve seen all over the news, it does the opposite.”

    As it’s designed to do.

    “We need to focus on our shared humanity and treating each other with kindness and respect, not pointing fingers and encouraging racial arrogance.”

    Personally, I think we need to focus on hanging these politicians comprising the so-called ‘government’ first, since humanity, kindness and respect are contrary to their evil agenda, and they will show no tolerance for such.

    Only then can we all hold hands and sing Kumbaya.

    (optional on that last. I’ll pass)

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