Ex VP of Major Military Contractor DynCorp & Sr. Pentagon Official Guilty For Child Sex Abuse

Collective Evolution – by Arjun Walia

DynCorp has been implicated in trafficking children all over the world, why have they not been properly investigated?

What Happened: Retired Army Maj. Gen. James Grazioplene has been given 20 years for aggravated sexual battery. He has been in jail for approximately 18 months. He was expected to be released on Wednesday and will serve 20 years of probation, according to Elmore’s lawyer, Ryan Guilds. (source

Grazioplene has been implicated in multiple sexual abuse allegations over many years, this specific case had to do with his daughter, who first reported to Army officials in 2015 that her father had repeatedly molested and raped her throughout her childhood from the age of 3 years old. The military launched an investigation and found enough evidence — even 30 years later — to move toward a trial in 2017.

Grazioplene retired in 2005 after a career that included stints as a commander within the 82nd Airborne Division and senior staff positions at the Pentagon. He also became a vice president at the contractor DynCorp International but is no longer with the company. (source)

Why This Is Important:

First of all, whenever this type of thing happens there is usually one person that takes the fall, while many of those surrounding the individual in similar places of power are not implicated or accused, despite the fact that many may be involved.

DynCorp receives nearly all of its income from doing work for the U.S. military. Apart from doing the work that they do, being “An American global service provider,” this company has been heavily implicated in the trafficking of women and children all over the world, so it’s not a surprise to see that Grazioplene is/was connected to them.

Former U.S. representative Cynthia McKinney was well aware of the corruption that was going on within DynCorp, and she actually addressed it in 2005. She grilled former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld on the government’s involvement and compliance with military contractor DynCorp’s child trafficking business of selling women and children. (source)

Put bluntly, DynCorp was involved in a sex slavery scandal in Bosnia in 1999, with its employees accused of rape and the buying and selling of girls as young as 12. Dyncorp, hired to perform police duties for the UN and aircraft maintenance for the US Army, were implicated in prostituting the children, whereas the company’s Bosnia site supervisor filmed himself raping two women. A number of employees were transferred out of the country, but with no legal consequences for them. (source)

This company is still in operation and functions in many countries around the world.

Thanks to Wikileaks, we also know that the U.S. embassy in Afghanistan sent a cable to Washington, under the signature of Karl Eikenberry, U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan, regarding a meeting between Assistant Chief of Mission Joseph Mussomeli and Afghan Minister of Interior Hanif Atmar. Among the issues discussed was what diplomats delicately called the “Kunduz DynCorp Problem.” Kunduz is a northern province of Afghanistan.

The problem was this:

1. In a May 2009 meeting interior minister Hanif Atmar expresses deep concerns that if lives could be in danger if news leaked that foreign police trainers working for US commercial contractor DynCorp hired “dancing boys” to perform for them.

You can read more about that here.

It’s also interesting to note that this was one of many senior officials within the Pentagon. Did you know that Congress was recently looking at a bipartisan bill to stop employees from sharing child porn on Department of Defense computers? Where are these kids coming from? Who is making these kids ‘perform,’ who is filming them, and where are these high-ranking people getting this from? Are people like Jeffrey Epstein connected?

“The notion that the Department of Defense’s network and Pentagon-issued computers may be used to view, create, or circulate such horrifying images is a shameful disgrace, and one we must fight head on.” – Abigail Spanberger (D-Virginia), spoken in a  statement on Tuesday as she and co-sponsor Mark Meadows (R-N. Carolina) introduced the End National Defense Network Abuse (END Network Abuse) Act in the House. (source)

As The Hill reports, “The Pentagon’s Defense Criminal Investigative Service subsequently identified hundreds of DOD-affiliated individuals as suspects involved in accessing child pornography, several of whom used government devices to use and share the images.” It’s called the End National Defense Network Abuse (END Network Abuse) and it was introduced in the wake of an investigation called “Project Flicker” carried out by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. This investigation identified over 5,000 individuals, including many affiliated with DOD, who were subscribed to child porn websites.

Diving Deeper

Just to give you an idea of how widespread this activity is in places of high power, a paper published in European Psychiatry outlines:

Research eventually led to the Franklin scandal that broke in 1989 when hundreds of children were apparently flown around the US to be abused by high ranking ‘Establishment’ members. Former state senator John W DeCamp, cited as one of the most effective legislators in Nebraska history, is today attorney for two of the abuse victims. A 15 year old girl disclosed that she had been abused since the age of 9 and was exposed since the age of 9 and was exposed to ‘ritual murder’ of a new born girl, a small boy (who was subsequently fried and eaten) and three others. – Dr. Rainer Kurz, explains, a chartered occupational psychologist (Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) at The University of Manchester. Master of Science (MSc) Industrial Psychology at The University of Hull) 

We have interviewed a survivor of elite child sex trafficking.

Anneke Lucas is an author, speaker, advocate for child sex trafficking victims, founder of the non-profit organization Liberation Prison Yoga, and creator of the Unconditional Model.

Her work is based on her 30-year journey to restore her mental and physical wellbeing after surviving some of the worst atrocities known to humankind before the age of 12. Sold as a young child into a murderous pedophile network by her family, she was rescued after nearly six years of abuse and torture.

We recently conducted an interview with her. Below is a clip from the four-part series, as it was a very long and detailed interview. You can access the full interview and start your free trial HERE on CETV, a platform we created to help combat internet censorship and allow us to continue to do our work and get the word out about various issues and topics.

The topic of child sexual abuse in places of great power from the Vatican, to the world of the financial elite, the Royal Family, entertainment and the world of fame is a hot topic right now. One thing is for certain, trafficking, sexual abuse and even the murder of children is far from a “conspiracy,” and there are multiple examples to chose from that make this quite clear.

How is this activity able to sustain itself? A great example comes Cardinal George Pell, who a couple of years ago became the highest-ranking Vatican official to ever be convicted of child sexual abuse. Of course, he has now been freed from jail after Australia’s highest court overturned his conviction, but did you know that he himself established The Diocesan Commission Into Sexual Abuse?  This is a common theme. The ones who we go to combat these problems are often, themselves involved.

The Takeaway

Is it really a surprise that our planet is in the shape it’s in with regards to environmental, health and several other issues when the ones in charge of making decisions in this area are committing acts such as this and working to cover it up?

Do we want to continue participating, and voting for people who don’t have our best interests at heart? Why do we give our power and our perception of what’s happening to such a small group of people? Why do we continue to obey instructions from governments, under the guise of goodwill, that are clearly not in our best interests?  Why is there so much controversy these days? Why is there an authoritarian “fact-checker” patrolling the internet censoring any information that threatens the mainstream one?

At the end of the day, humanity has limitless potential to create, but we must do so in an environment that is free from such deception, and in order to do that, the first thing we need to do is SEE it, and realize that we can change the game anytime we want.

Collective Evolution

2 thoughts on “Ex VP of Major Military Contractor DynCorp & Sr. Pentagon Official Guilty For Child Sex Abuse

  1. “been in jail for approximately 18 months. He was expected to be released on Wednesday and will serve 20 years of probation,”

    Are you fcken kidding me ?
    Execute this shit , who’s kids next ?

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