Fiery, Metal-Melting Explosions at NSA Data Center Stump Investigators

Protestors Demonstrate Outside The National Security Agency (NSA) FacilityTime US – by Dan Kedmey, October 8, 2013

The NSA’s new data-storage center in Utah has suffered a series of mysterious meltdowns in the past year.

Officials told the Wall Street Journal that 10 fiery explosions, known as arc-fault failures, have ripped apart machinery, melted metal and destroyed circuits. The repeated meltdowns have delayed the opening of the one-million square foot facility by 12 months.  

Investigators have not yet determined the root cause of the electrical failures, nor have they agreed upon a solution that could prevent the explosions from happening again.

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11 thoughts on “Fiery, Metal-Melting Explosions at NSA Data Center Stump Investigators

  1. Could Murphy be at work again or is it sabotage after all it would affect all of us even those involved in its creation. Any way one cuts it ….It is good!

  2. Friends on the inside. We are everywhere they are and fighting back covertly and passively at this time. However the awakening is underway be prepared. 4-19-14

    1. Dave, you mind throwing us a bone here? Besides lot’s of rain, what is so important on 4/19/14?

      The Red Moon cycle? A delayed April Fool’s Day? V for Vendetta comes to life? A sale at JCPenneys? What?

  3. YAAAHHOOO!!!! Blow that death star up from the inside. All it takes is a precise hit with a proton torpedo which will start a chain reaction, blowing the whole damn thing out of existence. Goodbye, Empire! Score one for the Rebel alliance!

    Thank God for answering our prayers!

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