Filer Police Shoot Dog

Published on Feb 10, 2014 by timesnews

(Warning: This video includes profanity and graphic images.) The video from Filer police officer Tarek Hassani’s dashboard-mounted camera, released Monday by the Filer Police Department, shows the moments leading up to and following Saturday’s shooting that left a dog dead. The animal’s owner, Rick Clubb, said Hassani’s use of force was unwarranted. The Times-News edited the video for length.

8 thoughts on “Filer Police Shoot Dog

  1. why do all these so called animal activists and groups not get their panties all in a bunch over sh^t like this?

    you would think they would be able to shame most of these Blue Gang Members into backing off our K-9 counterparts..

    I know one things for sure, No billy bad a$$ with a badge and a gun, ever put a bead on my dogs , Ill shoot first and say he presented an immediate threat to my family member, if they find em that is

  2. This is Bullshit! That SOB should be fired immediately and sued for everything he owns. The people who hired him and put him on the street with a gun should also have their ass sued also. Dipshit, don’t ever think you could come to my house and pull that crap. You would be in the same shape you put the dog in!

  3. My dogs ARE part of my family! I will protect them as I would a child. I would dedicate my life to getting even if one eliminated one of my dogs.(without just cause of course).
    Cops kill our dogs now tantamount to killing on a battlefield. As, on a battlefield one must eliminate any distractions, threats, or possible obstructions. Thus cops are eliminating our dogs from that perspective!

    Cops now are being trained to react and act in a military manner, treating we subjects as the enemy to be dominated and subjugated at will, as if on a battlefield.
    It is time to fight back! We pay their stinking salaries, they need to be held accountable for their actions. OR, we must drag them out of their houses and hold them accountable by civilian court impromptu.

    These cowards and sissies in blue are out of control with roadside rectal and vaginal searches, colonoscopies , x-rays, etc. They need to pay the piper!

  4. First I’d like to break that POS scumbag’s kneecaps, then his ankles, and then leave him out in the forest , bleeding, until a hungry wolf pack had him for dinner.

    Then send the video of him being eaten to every single douchebag of a cop who’s ever shot and killed someone’s dog.

    I can dream, can’t I?

  5. I didn’t want to send this in, but when I heard the dog yelp I had to. We have four dogs and that POS would have been happier dealing with them than me if he had shot one of mine

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